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About t_bone_713

  • Birthday July 13

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Hampton Roads, VA
    Born and raised in the Midwest.

  • My PB
    Between 5-6 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Lake Smith, VA
    Mississippi River

  • Other Interests
    Rock Climbing.
    Baseball and Football.

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  • About Me
    When I younger I used to fish with my grandfather in the farm ponds near us and I remember every time we went we each caught something. Even if it was just a little guy, it was something. I didn't know much, but I tied on a hook with a weight and a worm and just fished. "Hold the rod straight, pop it 3 times, 9 to 11, lower it down, reel in the slack, and if you feel something move your gear set the hook."

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  1. I normally go about 100 to 150 each side. I really try and keep it around the $200 dollar price point in total with sales and such. A lot of that is for feel and really just because I want it. Point being I got my PB on a 50 dollar rod and a 50 dollar reel spooled with mono. Creature comforts.
  2. Many thanks my friend.
  3. Where did you get those rod racks? I could get some use out of those not only in this scenario but in my shed.
  4. Noted, I will measure it. Here's to the Mighty Mississippi.
  5. Good Evening Fishing Friends, I was curious if any truck owners have full bedcaps on their trucks and their rods are longer than bed length with tailgate down. Meaning the rod tip hangs over the edge of the tailgate. Further, they can't lay them rods in the bed with the tailgate up because the bedcap would impede. All my rods are one piece obviously. What solutions could I employ that have worked for you or think would work? The only solution I came up with without purchasing anything more would be to create a bungee web to snap my reels into the web to hold them in place and have the tips stick out a little over the end of the tailgate. I'm not 100% sold on the bedcap yet but if I do install it I'm not against spending a little money to create something for my rods on bank fishing trips. Thanks, T
  6. Hello, No you're absolutely right the next evening we went to a different body of water and had a good time fishing and caught some nice females. Thank you for everyone for their advice.
  7. Hello and Quick Question, During the spawn I know the males will find spots, create, and then protect the beds so the females can eventually arrive and lay their eggs. Yesterday when I was fishing I noticed first of all it was all males and I was getting bit like crazy. Second I noticed when they were biting I'd set the hook and the worm would come flying back at me with the hook still tex-posed. Sometimes I'd even wait until they took it an swam with it before setting the hook, same result. When I did hook one it was BARELY hooked, my buddy was experiencing similar symptoms. Is this a queue of the males are just moving would be predators from the beds by grabbing it's tail and not actually looking to feed? Or do we really need to work on our hooksets? :/ I've never had hookset problems with T-Rigs before other than maybe a few where I knew I messed up the timing etc etc. If it is them just protecting their beds and they are about to spawn in that lake I might wait and let them finish their spawning cycle before going back. Thanks, T
  8. Haha sorry this is I'm stuck inside at work in a building with no windows for 12+ hours today kinda question!
  9. Hello, If you could choose one LB test line and you were tying that bad boy to everything, baitcasters AND spinning, what lb test would it be? I'm not looking for company, just what type (Mono, Flouro, Braid), what color, and what pound test? It's the ONLY line you have for an entire season but you have unlimited amounts. I'm interested to see the answers because I feel like we are going to get a wide array. Me: Flouro, 12 lb, Clear. Thanks, T
  10. Abu Garcia Black Max Lefty. Still have it. Still works just fine!
  11. Hello Everyone, Sorry for the delay. I am still getting hit on slow rolling spinnerbaits. Do you think they are hitting that because it's resembles a school of small bait fish versus one larger bait fish (crankbait)?
  12. Evening, As the title states my productivity on crankbaits has dropped dramatically from the beginning of this season to now. I caught my PB on a squarebill earlier this year as well as a handful of other fish on squarebill and lipless cranks. I don't think I've changed anything but I'm curious to see what y'all say. I read the pinned post on cranks above and it talks about rod tip angle, rod tip location, following the bait with the tip, stance, retrieves etc. My normal stance for cranks is rod tip down at the bank to my left hand side at a 45 degree angle. Rod tip and line are almost forming 90 degree angle.Chest is perpendicular to the bank. In the pinned post he talks about how rod tip placement and stance could completely change how a bite feels where as I'm just waiting for my crank to get tackled. What are your thoughts, any thing I could change to maybe start detecting the more subtle crank bites? Or just become a more efficient crank fisherman? Thanks in advance! T
  13. Oh! Apologies. I looked again and it's only total weight that gets kept per channel. We have the High Contrast one as well. My mistake!
  14. Spinning is for finesse, baitcasting is for power fishing. You can do one with the other but it's going to be slightly more difficult.
  15. Abu Garcia Black Max on a GX2 (either baitcasting or spinning honestly) if you like fishing a lot, great! Next season get you more stuff at a price you're comfortable with. If not, hey only 60 bucks down and you learned something.
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