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Booger Hollow Bass

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About Booger Hollow Bass

  • Birthday 07/08/1958

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  • Location

    I live in Tellico Plains Tn at the end of a mile long gravel Rd. We’re off down in the Hollow with mountains and a creek in front of the house and another mountain behind the house. We call it Booger Hollow. 
  • My PB
    Between 9-10 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River

    Chickamauga River and Harrison Bay Area. There are lots of coves and grassy area. Where Big Bass love to hide. 

    This is where I caught my personal best Large Mouth it was a little over 26” long. I didn’t have a scale with me so can only guess at the weight. 

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  • About Me

    I’m 61 years old and serve as Pastor of the Tellico Plains Seventh Day Adventist Church. I love to fish and do every chance I get. Tellico Plains is known for great trout fishing. But fishing day finds me headed out with a Bass pole and lures looking for that Big Large Mouth Bass. I also love to hit yard sales and flea markets looking for tackle boxes of old lures and fishing Reels. I also collect old Mitchell 300 Reels. 

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  1. Here goes gonna try another lure I can’t identify# 1 is a twin spin with odd eyes #2 is a bug eyed diver #3 is a odd looking flat fish type #4 is some kind of tadpole looking lure with fins and a odd shaped bill #5 is same just a different color I did pic of top and bottom of#4 and #5 to show fins better. Any help is appreciated. Booger Hollow Bass 2 Rabble Rouser Ashley 4 Worden Timber Tiger 4 Worden Timber Tiger 4 Worden Timber Tiger 4 Worden Timber Tiger
  2. Thanks Smallie Chaser ill delete the pictures from earlier and see if that works I was hopping the lure pictures could stay posted so others might identify some they have or incase some one comes along and brouses through the pictures to see if they can recognize any Thanks Short Fish good to know I'm not the only one out here thats Addicted to these things. My wife is sure I've lost my mind LOL
  3. I am not sure on the weight I didn't have a scale with me. anyone caught one caught a largemouth around that size that has a weight?
  4. Ok finally got it to load pictures this looks like a river runt but there are no Heddon name and the scoop bill and the hook hanger are one piece on this also would like to know color name Thanks Booger hollow Bass
  5. I seem to have become a lure addict. I can’t seem to quit buying old tackle boxes of lures. I don’t know what it is but I get some kind of thrill going through these old tackle boxes and identifying these old lures. I know I will probably never find anything of any great value. I just enjoy finding out dates and details of when changes took place in the lure over the years. I have spent so much time looking at lure pictures because I have no way of looking them up by name. So I am hopping that som of you can see a picture and say I know what that one is. Or if you have one you need help with post it it may be one I finally located and know what it is. Or someone else is sure to know. I’m thinking some of these old timers may not remember their wives name but they can sure tell you what lure they caught that 10lb Bass on. Thanks for you help in keeping these old lures alive. Booger Hollow Bass (Ron) I’ll start this off with a River Runt. But it doesn’t seem to be a Heddon. It has no name and the hook hanger is different. The bill scoop is one piece that goes alway back to the front hook. Also like to know color name. Lippy Joe River
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