I bought a Lew's MH2SH 3 weeks ago for my 11 year old. (The really ugly green one) It had been working perfectly. My son has had several large backlashes that required me removing the side cover and removing the spool to clear the backlash. The most recent one I put the side cover back on after clearing the backlash and now the reel will not spin if I lock the side cover in place. If I hold the side cover in place with my hand and do not lock the side cover the reel spins freely with no issue, but as soon as I push the lock up on the cover .......game over. It is almost like a spacer or something is missing. Is there any part in the MACH 2 side cover that can fall out while I had it removed that would cause this issue? Many thanks to you pros that may have seen, experienced, or fixed something like this. He was really doing great learning how to run the baitcaster up until this issue. I know I can simply return it, but this sounds like something really simple.