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About Sethshaun

  • Birthday 10/08/1977

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  • Location
    Central Florida
  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Suwanee River

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  1. that thing does look hardcore
  2. Anyone switched from Pedal Drive to Fin Drive and regretted it? Or the other way around?
  3. Stock seat height or risers? my rods behind me.... cost myself hundreds of dollars by ripping off eyelets rod tips and launching other rods into the lake because I see schoolers and can't help myself and I gotta bomb it NOW thanks for the feedback! that's funny the same thing happened to me at Beacon 42 in mosquito Lagoon
  4. I did not want to reinforce that fisherman equal food. I don't know if he could've swallowed it anyway
  5. Today, I hook a fat 16-18" bass-then a pelican swoops in and gulps it whole. I grab its beak, yank my hook out. bass so heavy the pelican's jaw's stuck open, flapping like an idiot. I'm one-handing its beak, other hand lipping the fish, dodging puke the whole time. wrestle this dumb bird till I rip my fish back and let it swim away. pelican's traumatized. no pictures 😂
  6. Hobie PA 12/14 vs. Outback—Worth the Hype? Need Your Real-World Takes! I’d only seen the Hobie PA 12 and 14 on YouTube until yesterday. Walked into a store to check out a Native Titan X—holy crap, it’s massive. Too big for me to imagine threading through laydowns or trees (prove me wrong if you can). Then I saw the Hobie PA 12, PA 14, and Outback up close. Instant love. They scream fishing—beautiful design, refined vibe. The PA seats look comfy as hell; the Outback’s is meh, but I could deal if it fishes well. I’m getting older, been on Old Town PDLs since 2019 (zero issues, just boring). I want comfort, rod storage, and an open cockpit. Hobies feel different—but is that difference worth it to you? Here’s what I need to know: PA 12/14: All looks, or legit awesome on the water? Outback: Can you stand up 25 times a day from that low seat without killing your knees? Casting: How’s it from the seated position on either? Boat control: It’s windy here a lot—how do they handle? I pedal a ton, cast a ton, stand and flip a lot. Sometimes I’m on open water hitting grass lines; other times I’m ducking under trees and pedaling over laydowns. I’ve got a Garmin GT 56 sidescan but don’t always use it—motors and cupholders aren’t my thing. Give me the gritty details—thanks!
  7. Texas rigged beaver style bait for sticks Wacky rigged purple worm for grass. I don't go home till I catch at least 12 hoping for 20
  8. i've owned both the sportsman 120 pdl and the tarpon 120. two choices- go super simple/super light and deal with the wind and not being able to stand, up or go all in and get the PDL. The sportsman without the drive is very slow and heavy. it sucks. The wilderness systems Tarpon 120 is very light and you can car top it no problem and it slices through the water and the wind but I could only sit on it for a couple hours before I got uncomfortable. But a sportsman with the PDL drive you can really move. hands-free and instant reverse is a game changer and being able to stand up and set the hook is amazing. also- you have to go find a spot to get out and take a leak in the tarpon, but you can lift the drive and pee through the hole on the old town PDL kayaks.
  9. When we were kids we called it the idiot rig. I enjoy being an idiot to this day
  10. I use owner st-36. super sharp and come in all the small sizes. I think they are a bit stronger than Gamakatsu round bend which I also like
  11. it's good lure. it goes anywhere and it has vibration and it's not scary. I use the smaller one not the magnum. all the normal stuff. flip it in the grass. drag it on the bottom. hop it, swim it and twitch it keep moving until you find a dumb one because you know they're looking at it. sometimes I let it sit on the bottom for 20 seconds in a good spot. I buy those super cheap teeny tiny glass rattles off Amazon and smoosh them in there or switch to a neko rig it's good for covering lots of water and its a vertical presentation if they don't want the swimming thing
  12. try a speed worm?
  13. Any luck on the rivers lately? We fished 30 miles of Paint Creek and Scioto only got 5 to 10 each per day l. Mostly small Kentucky bass, a couple of smallmouth, few wipers and the rest were drum and catfish. Got bites on rip rap on deeper bends and one out of every 100 logs, and only a couple riffles produced. Mostly texas rig and slow moving swimbaits. A few spinnerbait fish also. There were shad everywhere. how do you guys catch them? thanks
  14. I am going to try a V-Line 36" Gnarly Noodle and a V-Line 36" The Needle Ice Rod Blank
  15. My brother asked me to build him an ice fishing rod. Im in Florida and have never ice fished. -He fishes for 9-18” trout mostly. -His only request was -fast action, medium power -32” roughly with good backbone. -2-4 lbs line Lure is a berkley white powerbait grub on a tiny tungsten jighead. He also said if I had a better idea after some research to go ahead and make what was best. how would you build it? Something good quality. He normally uses Abu Garcia Veritas ice rods for reference. thanks
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