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Everything posted by galyonj

  1. You monster. I hope you're proud of yourself.
  2. There's a dude on YouTube now that's got one LMB in a big tank, and he's got two others and some panfish in a little pond out back. His new one, in the tank, is a real bruiser. Fun to watch.
  3. One of my forbidden cinnamon rolls, Penelope.
  4. I bet it was intense! There's a beaver at one of my local spots that I've only heard tell of – never seen – that apparently takes issue with people around its water. Slapping its tail and whatnot. I got to see an otter the other day, tiny little thing.
  5. Man, I bet it was mad.
  6. It's threaded, so it just unscrews from the barbell. Source: Poked holes in people professionally for a while.
  7. It's a baby. Let it watch Sesame Street.
  8. My snakes do this, too. Anytime anybody walks to their enclosures, they peep their little heads out. If there's a rat, they eat; if there's a spray of water, they duck back in all indignant; and if there's a hand, they get to go explore*. * If the hand smells like a rat, things get interesting.
  9. I lose a lot of lipless. Lost on this morning. I'd estimate that every one of them was because of a terrible cast that I never should've let go of. YMMV.
  10. I feel that deep within myself. One late summer I lost a Spook when I went to fish for a minute before I hit the office. I spent every bit of 10 or fifteen minutes pitching a fluke at it, trying to catch a treble and ease it back to me. It consumed me, trying to get this floating plug, that I bought at Walmart on clearance for like $2. I forgot about the fish, that I really needed to be back on the road to work, everything. I got it back, though!
  11. Snipped for length. That sounds amazing.
  12. Man, I love fishing a lipless. It's the first thing I throw anywhere I go.
  13. You gotta do what you gotta do. Otherwise we would've ended up in daggum Loudoun and everybody would've been mad at us.
  14. It turns out that one doesn't really need a voice to catch a fish. Which is good, because I don't really have one right now. This little guy helped ease the spanking the white bass put on me last night when I was fishing with @TnRiver46.
  15. I wouldn't say that was a warning so much as maybe a handy tip. One doesn't want to make a habit of striking electromechanical objects if they can help it, but a little convincing is in order if that object is being recalcitrant.
  16. Once we taught your starter to respect our authority, you mean. I had a blast. We gotta do that again. Next time I'm bringing smaller stuff so them white bass can actually get a mouth around it.
  17. Fish are just super inconsiderate. They should stop living in places that eat lures.
  18. I think what he's saying is that whatever time you've got to get out and throw something in the water, that's the right time to go. That's what I'm taking from it, anyway.
  19. I'm thinking about it. Depends on what else I've got going on that weekend.
  20. You must have seen how I cast. I kid. I'll usually get one of a hard lure when I'm trying a company or pattern out, see how it works and whether I like it or not, and then I'll go back to the well. Keeps me from having a closet full of junk I'll never fish (which, incidentally, is the same reason I cancelled my MTB subscription).
  21. That's what I did when I started over, and they'll absolutely catch fish – I particularly like their 5/8 oz lipless. The hooks aren't great, but that's an easy fix, and they're cheap enough that I don't begrudge them like I do companies like SK and Rapala for putting garbage hardware on their cranks. ETA: This is my favorite lipless Academy sells under the H2O brand. It's called Green Terror, and I tore them up on it this fall. You can see some teethmarks on this one here. I was sitting here at work waiting on a file upload, and changing the hooks on this one when I thought about adding it to this thread.
  22. I have to ingrain this, because I get so jacked up that I just start yanking on them. Probably scare all the daggum fish away doing it.
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