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Everything posted by galyonj

  1. I keep both because I end up fishing a lot of chocolate milk. Seems like they're a push for me.
  2. I bet if the tractor tire had a decent shimmy on the fall a DD bass probably would try to eat it. Scale a bass up to the size of a musky and they'd be the most terrifying thing in the lake.
  3. A junebug or plum Ol' Monster is pretty money for me in summertime.
  4. Last time I went to Dick's was because they had some deep discounts on Z-Man stuff at the one close to the office. Bought some chatterbaits. Meh.
  5. Depending on where along Fort Loudoun Lake I wanna fish, anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour, I guess. The spot I've posted most of my catches from is a big pond that's fed from that same lake, and it's about 10 minutes from my office – maybe a half hour from the house.
  6. Good on them. I've never needed parts, and I hope I never do, but I really love hearing stories like this.
  7. Maildude came with my latest @Siebert Outdoors order. Dang these are pretty. It'll be a shame to ding them up like I do.
  8. No, sweetheart. We're only in the data layer here. "You sssssuck, dad." I'm super proud of how well she's doing, becoming a pet after spending her whole life in a breeder's tub and not really being handled much. Her head shyness and curiosity is way improved. She's still a super picky eater with the switch from live prey to pre-killed and thawed, but she's coming along.
  9. Red front trebles are money.
  10. Penelope wanted a closer look at this AJAX call.
  11. Yeah they are. Caught zero fish on them so far, but they're pretty.
  12. Nice. I use a Bucoo M/M for light duty cranking and I just adore it.
  13. A lot of it depends on how much money you you want to spend, I guess. As we're focusing on bass fishing, I just about bet you'll never want to throw anything mugh lighter than 1/32 oz or so; given that, you'll probably be able to find a rod that'll work for whatever you want to do. So I'll focus on the reel and suggest you maybe look into BFS gear if you want to get crazy. A lot of this stuff is JDM, and it ain't cheap, but it'll really fling some real light lures. You can learn more about it here.
  14. I need more of those. Or better aim. Or both. Probably both.
  15. Totally agree. Especially since it broke off ON THE FIRST CAST when I had a braid mishap. I'm about done with that ****.
  16. Today I didn't catch a fish. I did, however, catch the spinnerbait I lost the other day.
  17. Per IG, he's using Ark rods now.
  18. Dude, koi is a huge money business. A while back I watched a video where a dude that searches out and buys koi for rich people was at a breeding facility in Japan, and they were haggling hundreds of thousands of dollars for some of these fish.
  19. Man, if Mandarin House was still open, they could put it in that great big tank they had separating the dining room from the bar.
  20. @Jermination it looks like that koi was as surprised to see you as you were it.
  21. I hooked into a grocery bag full of water and mud once. Imagine my disappoinment at the end of that fight.
  22. Ol boy you saw from Minnesota's got the right idea. However, in Tennessee I can't fish today because I have deadlines. Oh well. I probably don't need to be out in all this rain with a chest cold anyway.
  23. Snakes are pretty great pets. Depends on the snake, of course. Penelope, above, is a little older and isn't quite excited about being a pet – got her from a breeder that was rehoming animals that didn't fit into his program. So I'm going slow with handling and all that. Our little Bumblebee morph BP, Julius Squeezer, however, is a total rockstar. He eats like a champ, isn't spooky or head shy at all. He's the one that I'd use to introduce people that aren't comfortable with snakes.
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