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Everything posted by galyonj

  1. Teaches kids the meaning of Christmas and catches fish. What can't Mr. Hankey do?
  2. I very rarely finish a knot with a tag end long enough to worry about trimming. Y'all use weird knots.
  3. I think you're correct; I think they were kind of backed into a corner by the EWG hook. Those arms that move the blade away from the belly of the hook are tiny little things, and I bet they're banging against everything in the lure's path. Would the hardware have more survivability if you shortened that arm? Would it draw strikes as effectively? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. Owner sells replacement spinner kits. As long as the eye formed into the lead is healthy, I reckon you could get a new spinner swapped in pretty quick with a little pair of pliers.
  5. Love trick worms. Weirdly, I only fish them two ways: - unweighted texas rig; or - shakyhead
  6. I have. Honestly don't care enough about it to put any more effort (not to mention money) into it. I'm good.
  7. Never caught a bass on a chatterbait.
  8. Never caught one on a Texas rig, but I caught my PB catfish on a 1/16 oz ned rig. @TnRiver46, Bobby and I gotta split the catch 3 ways because it was a group effort, so we tripled up on identical 6lb channel cats, for record keeping purposes. ?
  9. I knew it would. You can't leave that much meat on the bone.
  10. I don't think I've ever rooted as hard for a team I like to win as hard as I do for Alabama to lose.
  11. I'm in a sludgy mood this morning, so here's some Eyehategod.
  12. I'm being micromanaged.
  13. I'm here for a good time, not a long one.
  14. If I'm limited to counting bass only, I don't know if I could have a ten fish bag that weighed 20 pounds this year.
  15. I think I've only used an unweighted wacky rig in current a handful of times. Like @Bird, it's far more common for me to add a little bit of weight to help it get down a little more efficiently.
  16. SWMBO really latched onto the meme that ball pythons are the pet rocks of the animal world, and she gets all atwitter when he's exploring in his (too small now, but we're looking at upgrade options) enclosure, trying to deduce what he wants. Personally, I think he was just excited about the massive dump he took. I'd've been proud, too. Side note: I am reminded of the time he escaped off her shoulder, deep into the bowels of the couch. We almost had to take the thing apart to get him out.
  17. Silly boy. You can't climb on the ceiling.
  18. Yesterday we decided to close up the shop early, so I found myself with a couple hours of spare time. Decided to scope out a new spot. I caught a donkey in the process. Things got a little dicey when it made a run for the logjam, but it all worked out.
  19. It knows already.
  20. The ol' fish whistle.
  21. I've had enough days where pink is the deal that I like to keep a little bit on me just in case, but it's pretty rare for me to have a day where pink's the only thing they're interested in.
  22. Yeah, I ain't a rookie, I'm just not any good at it.
  23. Yeah, I can't think of anywhere I won't try to put one. Shade lines, grass edges, overhangs, the edges of laydowns, eddys, current seams.
  24. With apologies to Tennyson… 'Tis better to have been bitten and lost Than never to have been bitten at all.
  25. BRRRT
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