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Everything posted by galyonj

  1. Mostly now I just buy to restock on stuff that finds it way into trees or something. But every once in a while I see something that I just gotta have, even if I know, deep down, that I'm never gonna catch a fish on it. Which is why I'm the proud new owner of a Cavitron clacking buzzbait.
  2. I think, if he expects to feel the hit every time, he's in for a lot of frustration and disappointment. Maybe it's to his benefit to stick to things that'll draw a reaction strike – plugs, swimbaits, swim jigs, grubs on ball heads. Stuff like that. Especially if he's bound and determined to fight a baitcaster at the same time. None of these things are hard unto themselves, right? We all know that using a casting reel effectively without blowing it up every cast is just a question of settings and thumb control. And we all know that sometimes (often, even) a strike doesn't feel like a strike. It gets hard in a hurry when you're brand-spanking-new and haven't developed the muscle memory to know what a given lure ought to feel like when there is and isn't something chewing on it.
  3. Man, I guess. My dad and I both can sweat standing still in 50 degree weather. Add something simple like the sun beaming down or literally any kind of activity more strenuous than breathing, and we're soaking through shirts. Like we're not gassed or even feel hot or anything like that…we're just moist people, I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. I have the clothes pretty much covered, but I've got to figure out some way to mitigate the fact that I sweat like a dancing mule. Like I'll sweat enough that I have to wring my beard and shirt out.
  5. I found a place week before last down the street from my office that I had no idea existed. Small shop but they've got a better selection than the other B&M stores here nowadays.
  6. Yup. I was just about to reply and mention that I can't think of anything about a Curve 55 that'd make it any more difficult to cast than any other 3/8 oz plug I've ever had tied on. I throw 50mm-sized squarebills with a M/mod casting setup more than I have any right to.
  7. I agree. In addition, if he's absolutely insistent on using a baitcaster, I feel like it behooves OP's friend to switch to something easier to work (in terms of lures) than a jerkbait while he's learning.
  8. Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. I'm...mostly over being mad at myself by now. It happens. Been thinking about exactly that. A little shorter, a little heavier after repair isn't the end of the world for me. I hate the though of chucking an otherwise good blank if all it needs is a new guide at the tip or something.
  9. Hadn't even had a chance to cast with it today. I try to be careful with my stuff, but between loading and unloading into the car, carrying it into and out of the house, bank fishing, and all the associated stuff there is ample opportunity for me to damage a rod tip. I'm probably lucky this is the first time it's happened.
  10. Whacked it with a crankbait, near as I can tell. Drew back to cast with it sitting behind me, and I heard a crack, then I had no crankbait (as it went sailing) and a broken rod behind me.
  11. I can't imagine they'll warranty it. Wasn't anything wrong with the rod itself until I accidentally broke it.
  12. Ugh. I guess I'm gonna find out if Lew's customer service is really as good as I've so often heard.
  13. Good. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life, bro.
  14. I forgot to mention jet skis in my earlier post. I hope only terrible things happen to people that own a jet ski.
  15. Took today off to do birthday surprise stuff for the woman, and I gave myself a present by going out for a couple hours this morning before I got to work on the surprise(s). The bigger one stole my Senko, so I threw a Cut-R worm on a belly-weighted hook back in after it. The little one wasn't much bigger than the squarebill he hit. I know y'all are jealous of my Animal shirt, too.
  16. I recently put 15lb Power Pro V2 on a spinning rig and I really dig it. It feels, like, silky, I guess due to how they coat it.
  17. I like randomly goosing it with a hard turn of the reel handle as I'm bringing it back. Pairing that with killing it for a quick beat has worked pretty well at times, especially if it's high in the water column.
  18. Phew. That's a bunch of water.
  19. You know what really grinds my gears? When I'm fishing a spot and someone in a boat motors to within a cast of me and starts fishing that exact same spot. Some of y'all throw a hissy fit when another boat is fishing within sight of you on the water, but apparently it's okay to park right next to a dude that's stuck with maybe a hundred yards of fishable shoreline and nowhere else to go. You have the whole lake to do whatever you want in, so I invite you to motor off somewhere nice and secluded and **** ******** ** **** *** ** ****************. And I am sick and tired of picking up after people that weren't raised right. Just put your trash in the barrel that's RIGHT NEXT TO WHERE YOU DUMPED A DIAPER, A TWELVE PACK OF NATURAL LIGHT, AND 200 YARDS OF LINE. Some of y'all weren't beaten enough growing up, and it shows. You, too, can hitch a ride on the boat above and ***** ** **** ************ ****. Man, I needed that. Now I'm thirsty.
  20. I rarely get clear water here, but I got super lucky and had exactly that for my first jerkbait bass. So I got to watch it watch the lure. That fish taught me a lot.
  21. You give me far too much credit. I was talking about things like trees. Above the water. lol
  22. That was the first order I made with him. Realized that I never really throw anything but junebug or black/blue, so that's what I keep ordering because…that's what I keep losing. lol
  23. I just love the screwlock on those Divine Swim Jigs. Huge timesaver in not having to situate the trailer (or find another one in my bag) every time I get it back to me after pulling it through the garbage I fish in.
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