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Everything posted by galyonj

  1. It's color 913 in the Yamamoto catalog.
  2. That's coontail, bruh.
  3. Yessir, you got it. I think it's effective because it lets the lure move, but the lure isn't something the fish has to go much out of its way to get a bite of. The lure just kind of hovers and wiggles or whatever in the fish's face.
  4. Don't worry about that. Whatever line you've got on the rod you wanna use is fine. FWIW, I think you've got an idea in your head that's a lot more complicated than the reality of rigging this up. Really there are only two things you want to be sure to do: Rig the hook with the point up, and then run the tag end of your palomar back down through the hook eye. Leave 8-12" of tag end so you can have somewhere to put the weight. Literally all there is to it. For the soft plastics you can pretty much use whatever you like. Trick worms, whatever came in the box if you want, etc. Little flukes are a banger for this.
  5. 100% true, yeah. One of our cats is not at all enthused about the new (ish, anyway, we've had him since January) dog being around, and she's not shy about reminding him of that fact. One night she backed him up all the way through the house, and every time he'd stop to see where he was, she smacked him in the mouth to get him moving again. He ain't messed with her since.
  6. Yeah, that's about what I decided. It's in the top of my office closet living in a Plano box full of other junk I've either found or bought that isn't worth keeping with me.
  7. Gammy makes their EWG hooks in sizes down to a #4. https://discounttackle.com/collections/soft-bait-hooks/products/gamakatsu-black-ewg-offset-worm-hook?variant=13039704375351
  8. Thank you, sir. It finally eased up. Only a slight twinge every now and again.
  9. Yeah they are. If I hadn't thrown my back out last night I'd be throwing them today in a futile effort to get bit.
  10. Supposedly they're bringing the Vixen back, too.
  11. Word. Thanks for the info. I kind of suspected it was something like that, but I can't find anything on these to complain about. Especially for about $4.80 apiece compared to what their first runs sell for on TW and all that.
  12. Found a set of Lucky Craft 1.5s on Amazon for a pretty good price and couldn't talk myself out of buying them. They're pretty, though. Got one each of KinKuro Michael, FF Striped Gill, Shine Tone Gill, Magma Peacock, and Cow Boy Gill.
  13. I've caught two on a plopper fishing parks. They might've just been the especially dumb ones, though.
  14. It is never too hot for a great big worm.
  15. I'll find a spade bit that fits snug into the hole in the receiving spool, chuck it up in the drill, tie the line to it, zero out the drag on the reel, and just wind it in using my fingertips to level it. Works okay for me.
  16. galyonj


    Probably gonna be pretty hard to keep a one ounce weight in place with anything. Your best bet will probably be to let it slide free and stop it with a barrel swivel (with a bead between the weight and the knot, of course), then tie your leader to that. That's a pretty classic c-rig as I understand it. Mojo/split shot rigs have been described as a sort of finesse Carolina rig, and I guess that makes sense to me in the explanations I've read here and watched from @Glenn and a couple others on YT. I'm only just learning how to fish them, but it seems that for this presentation, you want just enough weight to get the line down, but not so much that the whole thing goes rocketing to the bottom.
  17. Google Earth's 3D view is invaluable for sleuthing out little hidden spots like that.
  18. I haven't had many issues like that with Zoom, but I'll throw out that the BPS soft plastics are the slimiest baits I've ever handled. They're so covered in oil/mold lube/whatever that it's hard to hold on to them to rig the hook sometimes.
  19. I love how a menace trailer looks but I've never been bit on it. I'm gonna switch to just them for a bit and see if I can figure out how to change that.
  20. Me too, but I bet it's not because they know better. It's just not convenient enough to them to try it. lol
  21. Yeah, this is a good video. It also reminds me that playing with my cats has taught me more about two very specific things related to fishing than I think I could have easily gotten to see any other way: Cats, like many domesticated predators, play at a 1:1 mimic of the same behavior they would exhibit when they are hunting prey in the outdoors. They lie in wait and ambush the toy. The only time they bother to chase is when it's close enough that they feel like their odds of running it down and capturing it are very good. It's helped me to better visualize just how much a lure moves when I manipulate the rod. For me, this is far and away the most important takeaway. So what I do is tie one of their toy mice onto a light spinning setup, and I practice different pitching and flipping methods with them -- from classic pitching and flipping to dock shooting where you use the rod like a slingshot and all that stuff. Early in a session they're amped up for it so all I've gotta do is hold on. Once they're tired, however, it takes a little more work to get them interested. So I drag and/or hop the toy past them on the retrieve just like one might do with any number of bottom-contact lures. It's really interesting to watch them try to assess whether they can get it and whether it's worth the effort when they're already tired from playing earlier. The dog tried to play once, but Morrigan, my teacup panther and 100% the house alpha, pretty quickly convinced him that isn't a great idea.
  22. Bass are notoriously uncooperative and, like @Tennessee Boy mentioned, you'll never get a straight answer out of them.
  23. More likely to keep them from sticking to the molds before packaging.
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