As Lily is still a puppy, I put puppy pads down while it's just me and the furbabies here and I'm working. Just in case I get wrapped up in what I'm doing and miss her cues.
Yesterday Lily and Roger decided that she doesn't need a puppy pad, and it'd be a fun game to turn it into confetti.
So I very calmly put them into a sit, took this picture, released them, and started cleaning up the mess.
Lily wouldn't even look at me, and disappeared not long into the cleanup process. When I was just about finished, she brought me one of the toys that the rescue gave us when we got her – a tiny, small-dog-puppy-sized tug rope that I imagine she's had forever. She put her big moose head in my lap, with the toy, like she was giving me her toy by way of apologizing for her naughtiness.
She's the sweetest baby.
Edit: Based on the way she acts when I (especially) do something innocuous like picking up the charging cable for my phone off the floor, I suspect she's been abused. I'd very much like to meet her previous adoption family and have a little talk with them.