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Everything posted by galyonj

  1. I love foggy days. Jumping onto this to show off not only one of my favorite pictures I've ever taken while fishing, but one of my favorite pictures I've ever taken at all.
  2. ? Weeing in a winter wonderland ?
  3. AFAIK that's all you can do now. The restaurant closed a long time ago.
  4. The first fish I ever caught was a catfish. I wanna say I was two or three years old. We had gone to this restaurant called the Crosseyed Cricket (locals like @TnRiver46 probably remember it), and you could catch your own fish in their pond, they'd take it, process it, fry it up, and bring it out to your table. I don't remember anything about it, but to hear my parents tell it, they paid more than it would've cost to just order one off menu to have one of the employees throw fish food out and help me keep a hook in the water in that cloud of fish food. So there you go. I guess the first fish I ever caught for-real by myself was a bluegill or something like that on a relative's dock when I wasn't but a few years older than I was in the story above.
  5. As Lily is still a puppy, I put puppy pads down while it's just me and the furbabies here and I'm working. Just in case I get wrapped up in what I'm doing and miss her cues. Yesterday Lily and Roger decided that she doesn't need a puppy pad, and it'd be a fun game to turn it into confetti. So I very calmly put them into a sit, took this picture, released them, and started cleaning up the mess. Lily wouldn't even look at me, and disappeared not long into the cleanup process. When I was just about finished, she brought me one of the toys that the rescue gave us when we got her – a tiny, small-dog-puppy-sized tug rope that I imagine she's had forever. She put her big moose head in my lap, with the toy, like she was giving me her toy by way of apologizing for her naughtiness. She's the sweetest baby. Edit: Based on the way she acts when I (especially) do something innocuous like picking up the charging cable for my phone off the floor, I suspect she's been abused. I'd very much like to meet her previous adoption family and have a little talk with them.
  6. Yeah, they look really good in the water.
  7. Hard for a store to carry everything. That said, there are a whole bunch of jerkbaits out there, and I'd wager that they all catch fish just fine. The salient point, for me, of @Bluebasser86's post is that, sometimes, it's a good idea to throw something that doesn't look like anything they're used to seeing, even if it moves like something they see all the time.
  8. I'd eat my weight but you wouldn't have much fish left.
  9. That's a big ol fish.
  10. The bait monkey told me to let you know that's a 6th Sense Provoke in Merthiolate Flash.
  11. That looks real nice. I wouldn't mind having more little bitty jointed swimbaits like that. They're fun to fish.
  12. I think that's part of it for me, yeah. The weighted fall gives it a little more pronounced movement on the way down, too. Now, I've not had a chance to get out since it started getting proper cold (for the area), so I think it wouldn't surprise me to have more success with less weight (and the subsequent slower fall and less pronounced action) in colder water. Hopefully I'll get to hit the water sooner or later, but it's not looking real good in the near future. In any case, on my best day anything I throw is a SWAG anyway, so…I guess we'll see. lol
  13. I like how that looks in the water, but I haven't had enough time to fish with it to get a sense of what kind of producer it'll be for me. My most effective wacky rig is a Dinger on a weighted hook.
  14. That'n's just getting broke in.
  15. His jigs are legit.
  16. That's my favorite jerkbait, specifically in chartreuse pearl. I've used the H2O Xpress jerkbaits to good effect, too.
  17. No worries, dude. Try something like this. https://www.reduceimages.com/
  18. If you have Facebook, send it to yourself on Messenger. Then save the picture you receive from yourself. Messenger automatically downsamples images, and that new image will be small enough to post here.
  19. I think I'm gonna write a cover of that old Robert Johnson tune. I'll call it "Hellhounds in my lap."
  20. Got Roger (brindle, green collar) a new sister yesterday from a local pit bull rescue. Since yesterday afternoon, we've heard nothing but growling (from play, and from Roger being a little snot about sharing attention and the like), snoring, or what sounds like a herd of buffalo running through the house. She's done great with the cats so far. Curious about them just like she is everything else in a new space, but she's been respectful if she acknowledges them at all. She wasn't super happy about sleeping in a crate last night, but she settled down pretty quickly all the same. Today we started working on some basic commands and she's taking to them very well. I'm pretty stoked.
  21. Little more action, little slower fall.
  22. Maybe something like a spoon would work, too. Those'll cast a fair way.
  23. Put the lure on a tiny RC boat Motor that out to where you want to cast but can't reach ??? Profit!
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