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Everything posted by galyonj

  1. Big fish don't get big by burning calories racing around after food.
  2. Look at you bending to the will of the bait monkey. lol
  3. Some days, it's the only peace I can have.
  4. Right on. I haven't seen that one. I don't catch his stuff super often.
  5. I've got a bag of 10" Ol Monsters that are the product of throwing a couple Junebug worms into a bag of Green Pumpkin Magic accidentally and forgetting about it. Haven't caught anything on them, but at least they're ugly.
  6. Was it the latest Project E video with the guy from Berkley? I thought that was a fairly illuminating video. To the OP's question, apparently the deeper you go, the more any color becomes simply a shade of grey.
  7. Interesting. I never got a good look at the bottom from the pictures (and I'm too cheap to buy Lucky Craft), so maybe it didn't change as much as I thought it might have. Thanks for the followup.
  8. That's the closest I can find after a brief search, but Tennessee Shad has an orange dot, whereas the one in the OP has an orange stripe. Still, that might be the difference between the discontinued design and the current one.
  9. Well, rest assured you aren't the first guy to've had a bad sesh ruin their day. It happens, and how to handle it is among the lessons that I never quite learn. It's small solace, but we learn through failure. You grow as an angler through examining those failures. Now tell your homeboy to quit stealing your fish. ?
  10. I cannot catch fish on a ned rig in still water. Doesn't matter how I fish it. Little bit of current and it's a whole different story.
  11. All things being equal, it's probably difficult-to-impossible that he'd fish a given presentation exactly the same way his buddy that was smashing on that presentation did/does. I think everybody has a natural pace for a given presentation – how fast they reel when they're not thinking about it, etc. And I dunno about other people, but it takes some effort for me to change that pace.
  12. I mean...for me, there's really no easy spot to catch a largemouth. ?
  13. Dude, you might've picked up on it when we were texting, but I was so stoked. That beat my largest fish from last year by about a pound, pound and a half.
  14. This afternoon I decided, since it was so pretty out, that I'd be a little bit selfish, and I went to the river. Then I got my first and second jerkbait fish of the year. The second one weighed 3lbs 13oz on my cheap Academy scale.
  15. That's fascinating. Where'd you come up with it?
  16. Not necessarily separately, but you've got the gist of it. The weight and hook are connected, as you've seen, but the connection type allows the hook (and the plastic on it) to pitch and yaw a bit. I think the only real difference between a swinghead jig and a pegged bullet weight for Texas-rigging is the shape of the weight. Also, just throwing this in because I'm procrastinating: If I'm in a mood to fish soft plastics exclusively, and I can't get bit on a Texas-rig, a wacky, rig, or a ned rig, I'm probably just gonna go home.
  17. No worries, I totally got what you were saying. This is a lesson I'm continually trying to learn: There are problems worth looking for, and there are problems that aren't. And it behooves one to understand the difference. This? This isn't a problem worth looking for. He'll know whether it's even a problem the first time he reels in a decent-length cast. Until then, it's just taking up space in his mind that it doesn't deserve.
  18. I agree with roadwarrior. Either you won't need to install any of them, or you will. If you do need to, it's easy and doesn't take but a minute. Easier to just not worry about it until you know.
  19. The washers go under the spool to raise it up in relation to the bail, so that the line winds evenly when you reel in. Ought to be a diagram where to put them in the little manual that comes with it.
  20. I've got one in 5'6". It ain't at all bad for the money.
  21. Occasionally, Morrígan wants to be held like a baby.
  22. I haven't fished since before Thanksgiving, but decided it was too pretty today to not be outside. Caught six on a tiny paddletail swimbait, and I'm showing off the smallest and largest here.
  23. I mostly remove the split ring on all my plugs. I especially remove the split ring on something I want to suspend like a jerkbait, because I don't want the extra weight off the nose like that. Taking the split ring off moves the snap closer to center (even if it's just a quarter-inch or so, every little bit helps keep the bait from yawing funny or nosing over while it's suspended.
  24. Lily's got a party ear. Here it is.
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