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Everything posted by galyonj

  1. The only fluorocarbon line I've ever used was Abraz-X, and I didn't have a ton of trouble with it, but it'd still take some set on the spool (on a baitcaster, mind you). I was using 15lb, so that probably had something to do with it. Good learning experience in terms of what I don't like in a main line. I dunno anything about TangleFree (though I trust your advice, Tom), but I can speak to the fact that KVD line conditioner is magical. I soak the spool the night before, then hit it again with a couple squirts before I leave the house to fish.
  2. For real, though; I just figure if we're to the point of throwing parts at it, let's get it over with. I'm mad at your boat now for defying me. ?
  3. They're on vacation.
  4. That's very much like my experience with swim jigs. I think every swim jig fish I've ever caught was right in that thin tissue.
  5. Maaaaan. The last time I went out was like 24 hours after we'd had a couple days of heavy rain, and the water was like looking in a Yoo-Hoo bottle. And it was windy. I bet I spent 45 minutes throwing a chatterbait before I gave up on it. Eventually I caught a fish...on a swim jig with a white and chartreuse skirt. ?
  6. Proud of you, bro.
  7. Cats also hate it, FWIW.
  8. Go back to the stern so you can get a running shot, then just jump the gap like Black Beauty.
  9. He's doing his best!
  10. I have a couple of those in the order I placed a few days ago.
  11. Every time I come back to this thread, I think that something like a small paddletail, or a curlytail grub, or a tube might be nice. For some reason I doubt pond fish see many tubes, but I might be wrong.
  12. Hey, uh...dad? You sure you can finish that whole sandwich by yourself?
  13. If it makes you feel any better, you've still caught more fish on a chatterbait than I ever have.
  14. Doesn't much matter what it did when it was parked. It matters what it does when I'm standing in front of it. Buy the vehicle, not the story.
  15. Yeah, you really don't want to do that. Neutral drops create expensive problems. @livemusic, I agree that you have a fuel delivery issue. The gas itself may or may not be a problem (I can't speak to octane ratings as they apply to marine engines), but I'd bet dollars to donuts that, if you inspect the fuel lines, you'll find them clogged. Replace each section of fuel line that you can't easily blow through. Then see if it runs without choking down the airflow. If it still needs to be choked down, or won't idle correctly, your carburetor needs cleaning and/or tuning.
  16. I gotchu fam. https://www.vans.com/shop/checkerboard-authentic-golden-nugget-true-white
  17. I've given some serious thought to getting one of those things. I hate dragging more junk to the lake with me, but I would very much like to make more informed decisions on the water.
  18. Exactly what it sounds like. Probably when you watch the video you'll think "Oh, that's it? Doesn't everybody do that?" I dunno why it's called that. Probably somebody here does.
  19. Well, give it a shot with a rattle trap. The fish have told me they like that.
  20. The Alabama shake ain't just for swim jigs.
  21. Cosigning this with the caveat that, to me, it seems like one could ask 100 anglers to define "finesse fishing," and run the risk of getting 100 different answers. Do you have any kind of log showing when and where you caught what at that pond?
  22. This topic is timely, because I'm taking another look at all the crap I drag to the water with me, with an eye towards bringing less of it. The only things I keep in the package are soft plastics. Pictured below is my little terminal tackle box. Everything that I'd ever reasonably find a use for fits in a 3500-series.
  23. The horror!
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