This is how I use JJ's Magic when I've got some. I haven't had any for a while, and there are bags I doped almost a year ago that, when I open them, they still stink.
As far as your question @Luke Barnes, I wish I could help, but I haven't used Liquid Mayhem or Megastrike (though I did impulse-buy a tube of Megastrike Original with the TW order I made a couple days ago).
As far as scents and attractants on the whole...¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The worst they'll do is nothing, and, at the very least, they'll probably help cover up your scent and whatever scents are imparted to soft plastics by the manufacturing process (looking at you, Zoom).
I like that the gels (at least Megastrike, but probably also Liquid Mayhem) can be used on both plastisol- and TPE-based soft plastics. And the gels carry far less risk of unpleasant surprises in your tackle bag than something like JJ's Magic. You do not want to chance that cap coming loose or venting.
Give it a shot, dude.