Really, it was only a matter of time. When I got her talked into going with @TnRiver46 and me, we hadn't been underway but a few minutes before she hollered at me that "we need a boat." So it's really his fault. ?
So we talked about it for a while, and she started looking in earnest about a week before she sent me a link on Friday and said I needed to call about this one, cause we were gonna go look at it.
We found 1984 Ebbtide Dyna-Track 150 with an 89 Evinrude XP100, being sold by a guy that'd recently retired and kept himself busy buying, fixing up, and selling boats and RVs and stuff like that.
Came with two older Humminbird fish finders (a 4" PiranhaMax and a 100 series), a 12V Minn-Kota trolling motor, and he threw in a pair of pedestal seats. For $3500, I feel like we did okay. The hull and transom are solid, and the keel doesn't even look too bad considering she's a 37 year old from East Tennessee with a fiberglass hull.
I didn't really want a fiberglass hull, but for the price I couldn't make myself walk away.
Took her out for an hour or so this evening to shake everything down and see what happened. So far so good.
I need to get a charger for the trolling motor battery, fix a couple of the storage hatch locks, little stuff like that. Extended the trailer wiring a little bit to work better with the hitch on her Edge, which I'm pleased to report did a very good job towing.