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Everything posted by galyonj

  1. I don't change it so much as I just splice more on when the spool gets low.
  2. With apologies to Ronnie Coleman: Everybody wants to catch a bass, but they don't want to lift no heavy-ass tackle boxes to cover every possible set of variables they might encounter.
  3. Did he catch that 23" on his $2 jerkbait?
  4. Nope. They're gonna get lost. Just a question of when.
  5. For sure. It's getting to be that season.
  6. Birthday loot's starting to trickle in. These look dope. I can't wait to lose them.
  7. Goat probably needed a bath anyway. Godawful smelling animals.
  8. This dog just shook my mother in law down for a bite of her cinnamon roll, then growled at her. Once food is removed from the equation, he goes back into stranger danger mode. What a doofus.
  9. That bear's just trying to hold a spot for her girlfriend who is LITERALLY on the way.
  10. Nobody in the history of "temporary" additional work duties has ever been compensated at a rate that makes the extra *** worth it.
  11. I've never used a flatworm at all, but I can't think of a reason why it wouldn't work. I've put a lot of different soft plastics on light mushroom heads just to see what would happen. Mostly it works fine. Do whatever you want. See how you like it.
  12. For my birthday this year, SWMBO, my sister in law, and I all came down with COVID. I think a card would have sufficed.
  13. I agree with main thrust of your point, @gimruis. Different tools for different jobs. However...I can't think of a more fitting term than "insecure" for people that refer to spinning rods as fairy wands.
  14. If you intend to fish lures at or below the minimum weight stated on the rod blank, I believe the minimum stated lure weight is absolutely more important than the max weight. On your cast, the rod has to be able to use the weight of the lure to store energy in the blank, which translates into a smoother cast stroke, better accuracy, and more distance. This is more important with baitcasting reels, as a lure too light for the rod will mean you have to muscle it out more aggressively to limit the possibility of a backlash.
  15. If they can survive their annual drag through an Alabama swamp, they'll do fine pert'near anywhere.
  16. I occasionally find myself wondering how the way I know to fish in these filthy little rivers would play on a body of water such as @A-Jay's legendary Lake Menderchuck.
  17. Dang, that's like asking me to pick a favorite of my kids (it's Morrígan). I don't think I've ever fished a straight up purple worm. Zoom was my gateway drug to junebug, though. Can't go wrong with it.
  18. Different company, but a similar situation – broken rod by way of stupid accident that was 100% my fault – to that described by @MiceNReets and others in this thread. The other company was super cool about guiding me through the warranty process. I'd expect no different from St Croix. These are still (relatively) small companies, and this kind of situation can be used as an opportunity to put a good story out in front of a lot of motivated, passionate potential consumers for significantly less than the cost of shooting a commercial or producing an ad in an industry magazine.
  19. I usually don't have to look at a calendar to know when there's a home game. I'll hear the jets do their practice runs for that flyover on Thursday or Friday. Also I'm about 99% sure those are F22s based what I can see of the rear horizontal and vertical stabilizers.
  20. …sometimes I throw everything in the bag in the space of a half hour, just trying to find my groove for the day. But that little piece of plastic is always sitting, waiting for me to feel a skunk winding around my ankles at the back of the boat. The ned rig knows that all it has to do is be patient. It's not a question of if I'll tie one on, it's when. Drop shots are too fiddly for me, though. I ain't smart enough to keep from trussing myself up trying to cast it.
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