I find myself in agreement with @BassWhole!, @A-Jay, @BrianMDTX, et al.
Most of my discussions in other fora regarding the possibility of an industry-wide embrace of electric vehicles comes from a performance standpoint, because I like fast cars and trucks and all that good stuff and I don't want to see them go away.
First, the petroleum industry, and its products, are both gonna be around for a long, long time. But I think it's good to embrace electric as the kinks continue to get worked out and they start looking less stupid. Electric vehicles are gonna have really crap adoption rates until charging stations are as common as gas stations, and charging is as easy as filling the tank. And that's just the way it is for now.
I just...hate Teslas so much. Every model except the S looks like a guppy.
But I digress! The reason embracing electric vehicles as they enter a given market segment is that money means everything to every corporation, and government regulations and subsidies are only so big a stick (or so tasty a carrot). The more units move, the higher the R&D budget goes up. The higher the R&D budget goes up, the more useful and less stupid they get.
Most of us discussing it will be dead and gone before anybody wakes up to discover there's no more gasoline to be had.
To summarize, I want electric vehicles, but it's gonna be a while and there's no reason for anybody to spit out their dentures just yet.