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Everything posted by galyonj

  1. Basically this. You don't have to power it onto the trailer, but it's sure easier. The other day we pulled the boat onto the trailer with the tow line that's tied to the bow eye. Once we got it close enough, we hooked the winch strap to the bow eye and winched it the rest of the way up.
  2. I only have a 6gal tank, so I gotta gas it up one the way to the ramp just about every time. I have a thing about running out of gas.
  3. Dude, it suuucked. My ignition switch shorted and made it so the starter solenoid was seeing 12V constant, and I had to cut power to the whole boat except for the trolling motor. We got back to the ramp right as the sun went down, then the handle on the winch broke. lol That old group 24 that I've got hooked to the TM still showed like a 25% charge when I put it on the charger this afternoon. I was amazed.
  4. Took the day to do some more car and boat maintenance since I have gobs of comp time than I was told I had to take right now. Weather's nice for it, but the shop foreman is a real hardass.
  5. After Monday's adventure, I think I'll just stick with the regular ones. ?
  6. 6'9" medium-light with a 2500-size reel. I spool with 15lb braid to a 6lb leader. IME it's useful for just about everything. Shakyheads, any unweighted plastic, ned rigs, etc.
  7. I feel like I'm about to ask a stupid question, but why are you trying to buy skirts and jigheads separately instead of just buying a jig that already has a skirt? I know that making one's own custom jigs is a thing, but it seems unnecessarily...fiddly when one is trying to learn how to fish a jig, as you say you are.
  8. Every time I think I need to get me a net, at least for the boat, I set the hook on a six-inch dink and it comes rocketing towards me like a TOW missile. Then I think "if they're just gonna boat flip themselves like that, maybe I don't need to worry too much about the net."
  9. That can work against your goal here. Trailers with more surface area and/or large flappy appendages can slow the fall of a lure (which, as you'd imagine, can be advantageous). Can't help you with your larger buzzbait issue, though. I'm buzzbait-challenged myself.
  10. That's one spicy meatball.
  11. Finished up a torturous project sprint at work yesterday afternoon, so I gave myself the morning off to run a couple errands, and somehow a couple rods ended up in the car, too. So of course I had to go fishing for a minute, too. Ran out to a little park on the south side of Melton Hill that is usually pretty dead, and I had the whole place to myself. This bass charged out and took a swipe at the tiny little grub I was swimming through this huge patch of coontail and for bluegill, so I pitched a choppo out past his hidey-hole and worked it over top, giving it the tiniest of twitches until he couldn't stand it anymore. And bluegill are suckers for curl-tail grubs.
  12. Well, dang. I reckon you've got plenty now.
  13. That combo'll work if it's what you're comfortable with. If the gearing doesn't suit you, just reel faster.
  14. All you gotta do is type the @ symbol, followed by the user you wish to notify, like so: @sheaww200571 @Delaware Valley Tackle The forum software has a typeahead feature that shows you a list of user names. This list narrows down as you give it more characters to work with. Do not put a space between the symbol and the username.
  15. A long read, but so worth it.
  16. Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't some of the first bass boats kind of just converted ski boats? It'd make sense with the open bow and seating like you described. Reminds me of my Papaw's boat that I grew up on.
  17. Just call Lew's and tell them what you need. They'll get you sorted.
  18. New rear hubs are in. Waiting on the last of my brake consumables to come in before I replace those. None to soon, either. My front pads are about down to the quick. The rears have a little more left on them, but not enough to keep me from just doing all four corners at once to be done with it. I dunno why Rockauto shipped four rotors and two sets of pads from three different warehouses, but I guess it don't matter as long as they all show up.
  19. Yesterday I took my newly slimmed-down load of junk with me. A 3600 box with some soft plastics I like, a 3600 box with skirted jigs and plugs, and a 3500 with jigheads and hooks and whatnot. And I didn't catch a single ******* fish. I could've done what I used to do, which involved putting every single lure I've ever bought into a backpack and taking that thing with me. The result would've been the same. The problem is not that I didn't have every color of every soft plastic ever made, every different crankbait, every possible anything. The problem is that I'm not good at fishing. An additional (probably worse) problem is that if I start out badly, my mindset goes to **** and I start fishing too fast and compounding every bad decision I make while I'm out. Carrying more trash back and forth to the lake isn't gonna change that.
  20. The file on my ever-present multitool.
  21. Give em a call. It wouldn't surprise me if they helped you out a little bit, at least.
  22. They warrantied two rods for me (and I wasn't at all sure they even would one of them because it was honestly my fault that it broke). Very painless process once we got communication started at the height of COVID. They even gave me a free upgrade on one because the only comp they had in stock was a different, slightly more expensive product line. I'm a big fan.
  23. I would hope that most do, but you never know. Speaking for myself, knowing accuracy is important is one thing. Being accurate is, at least on a consistent basis, quite another thing entirely. Tell y'all one of the best things I've ever done for my accuracy: I turned a home depot bucket on its side in my back yard. When I'm working and I just cant sit still anymore, I'll get up, take the dogs out, stand on the porch, and just pitch a jig at the mouth of that bucket. I wouldn't say I'm good at it by any stretch of the imagination, but my wrist and thumb have learned a whole lot in a fairly short amount of time. And that's paid off with other types of casts. I don't pull my sidearm casts quite as badly as I did.
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