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Everything posted by galyonj

  1. Sounds a lot like the last time I tried to fish a mayfly hatch.
  2. Arbor to connect backing (or main) line to the spool Double uni for backing to main line (where applicable) FG knot for main line to leader if I'm tying it sitting in my office, double uni if I have to do it while I'm out Trilene for terminal connections.
  3. Caught my PB zucchini on Saturday while @TnRiver46 and I were out for a sesh. Couldn't get a weight on it cause it fell apart in my hands, but it was by far the biggest squash I've ever pulled out of the river.
  4. I've lost enough that I'm pretty numb to it now.
  5. I hate that we didn't capture the epic battle I had with that stick.
  6. I love going fast. Doesn't matter whether I'm riding on a hull or a set of tires, but there are vastly fewer situations on the water around here in which I'm comfortable going fast for any number of reasons – but there is a whole lot of debris in the water here that I do not want to test a 36 year old fiberglass hull against. At the risk of derailing this thread, "hate" isn't too strong a word for how I feel about modern automotive infotainment system design.
  7. You know… I'm almost ashamed to admit that, when I wrote that post, I didn't really make a connection between how I wrote what I did and the fact that I was talking about electrical stuff. But at least I can read the display on my HVAC controls again. lol I need to make a kanban board for all the stuff I'm trying to fix on this car.
  8. I got to tell y'all…I'm just shocked that the single molecule of solder that AC Delco put on these resistors lasted almost 18 years.
  9. As a matter of fact, I have. Tried, that is. It's far from ideal.
  10. Lily's new favorite thing is sitting in my lap after SWMBO leaves for work. Problem is that Lily ain't exactly lap dog size.
  11. It's the camo. They see you trying to hide from the fish and figure you're up to something.
  12. Absolutely fascinating. Borrowed it from a buddy that had it on his reading list at CIA on his way to being a chef. Well that's the whole point.
  13. That was such an excellent book. I don't get to read for fun as much as I used to. Most of what I read nowadays is API documentation and such, but here are a few that I wish I could read for the first time again. Siddhartha, by Herman Hesse Ordinary Men: Reserve Police Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland, Christopher Browning Salt: A World History, Mark Kurlansky American Gods, Neil Gaiman
  14. Thanks for letting me take a break from my deathbed to tag along! I only wish the bass I caught was as big as the first look at its mouth made us think it was. ? Can't beat the views, though. Especially if you go for hours just off the main channel and don't see another boat. I do love putting purple mustaches on bass.
  15. Me too. I dunno if it helps anything or not, but it looks neat. lol Honestly, @Firstoutfisher, the dock rocker heads that Mike makes are the best do-everything jig I've found. It skips like a dream, it hops and drags, it'll come through weeds and lighter brush, it swims if I'm too lazy to dig something else out. For trailers just about anything you wanna try is okay. My general-purpose jig is a ⅜oz dock rocker (usually in junebug) with some kind of 4" craw of beaver-style trailer. If I want a little more compact presentation, I just bite a little bit off the tail and thread it on the hook like normal. Easy-peasy.
  16. I think I have about $3 in cash right now in my little wallet. The only things I ever buy with cash are things that I can only buy with cash, and for those things, I just go down the street and hit the drive through ATM at my bank. Everything else goes on a card so I can track it.
  17. Total crapshoot. It's as much your guess as it is mine where the lure lands when I cast. Little bit different story when I'm pitching, but I'm able to practice that a lot more often – I can get to my back yard a lot more often than I can get to the water.
  18. Black, black/blue, purple, pink.
  19. We're kinda-sorta looking at buying a new place, and discussed our list of dealbreakers. And I said that it was a dealbreaker for me if the house doesn't already have a two-bay garage AND enough land for me to build an additional detached two-bay garage. I am tired of working on stuff outside.
  20. Mo's excited about my new desk, because there's a whole section of it that's there just for her to lay across.
  21. Probably not after being squeezed through that opening.
  22. You ain't a real man unless you inflate your tires by blowing really hard into the back of the chuck while you use two fingers to keep the needle in the schrader valve compressed.
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