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Everything posted by galyonj

  1. Probably the same ones I take everywhere else.
  2. The back of the lure rotates. The forward part of the lure, where you tie on, does not*. * Unless you've buggered it up with weeds and slop, in which case the whole thing'll spin the entire way back. Also I use snaps for just about all treble-hooked lures. It works for me. Be aware that using snaps DOES NOT give you a pass on checking your knots like you're supposed to.
  3. That explains why my front signal lights kept blowing. They've burnt through the housings.
  4. Use as small a snap as is feasible. Use this style of snap instead of the style you posted. Snaps that lock to themselves are less likely to fail than the ones with a stamped metal keeper. Don't use the swivel with the snap. Get rid of the swivel. You don't need it.
  5. Whomever lost that lure's got to have forearms like popeye. I can't imagine how hard one would have to work to keep a buzzbait (with extra weight) on top with a cheap spincaster.
  6. This dog is snoring so loudly that somebody in this Zoom meeting just asked me if I was having work done at the house. Nope. It's just a wee baby couch hippo.
  7. @fishhugger you can use this in your browser for charting during trip prep or on the go.
  8. I use leaders all the time. It's fine.
  9. I think that's pretty close to an Abu medium heavy mod.
  10. And both use the same words to mean different things between manufacturers and model lines, much like tire wear/grip ratings.
  11. Use cheap line that's not gonna hurt your wallet to have to cut off the spool when you blow it up. And don't feel bad about blowing your spool up. It's part of learning.
  12. Am I to understand that y'all were (at least temporarily) passing the other boat down the bank opposite the one he was fishing? If that's what happened I don't know why he'd have even cared, much less got his back up over it. He'd lose his mind fishing here.
  13. Different neighborhood, different dinks. Maybe we can franchise. Lost two more, but it was a good time for a short session with a stickworm and a spinning rod.
  14. Dredge jigs are my favorite.
  15. Well that's what it is. Calling it "multitasking" doesn't really capture the nuance.
  16. The female of the species has certain…proclivities.
  17. I fish topwaters, hard jerkbaits, and cranks on a medium/mod Falcon Bucoo. I'm not shilling for this rod specifically so much as backing up @Drawdown's thinking with an anecdote because I'm procrastinating. It really all depends on how deep a plug you intend to fish. I think braid to leader makes a lot of sense with a multirole rig like you're asking about because the braid seems to claw back a little bit of the backbone that I lost going with the blank I did for the specific rod I discussed above. YMMV, of course. If I had it to do over again, I'd go medium/fast, and I'd probably still keep the braid, and I'd have more options. Multirole rigs may not excel at any one thing, but they can be awfully good at a lot of things.
  18. I'll use either one depending on what I'm doing and which spool I get my hands on first. IME it doesn't really matter much either way unless I'm fishing topwater...in which case I feel like using fluoro kind of defeats the purpose.
  19. Lily lay in the shade and watched me cut the grass in the back yard on my lunch break, and she's plum wore out. Being a manager is hard. Addendum: Roger (not pictured) sat on the porch, also in the shade, and supervised her supervisory efforts. He's wadded up on the dog couch in the living room at present.
  20. - Wrong presentation for the cover/structure/etc. - Stick with a presentation too long - Bounce between presentations too quickly - Wrong color at the right place - Right color at the wrong place - Moving too fast - Moving too slowly …sometimes, all at the same time.
  21. ? I've got a couple Celilos and really like them.
  22. I'm not gonna kinkshame you for loving line twist, bro. It's okay.
  23. If they didn't describe it like that, some moron would throw a hissy fit about the fact that it wasn't described accurately.
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