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Everything posted by galyonj

  1. galyonj

    My Dog

    Lily has yet to internalize this lesson. We tell her all the time that she's gonna keep messing with these cats until one of them hurts her, but she don't listen. Eventually the cats make her listen, and she cries and runs back to us with the cat (usually Bean) stapled to her face or neck (or both), giving her the business the whole way back.
  2. I may be wrong, but I believe @Woody B's saying that he casts down one side of the dock, then lets the lure sink while he motors back around it to the other side, giving him a straight shot under it to retrieve the llure.
  3. Yeah, that spot I told you about on the south side. I was already out west so I figured I'd boogie up the road there for fun non-work time. I coulda taken 50 and still blanked. Sometimes it just ain't your day. No worries. It was pretty, weather was nice and cool, nobody else was around, and I got some good thinking time in.
  4. If it's any consolation I managed to sneak out to one of my bank spots for a couple hours yesterday morning. Tried everything. Not even a sniff. I dunno what they wanted, but I know I didn't have it, and I couldn't make what I had do it. So it goes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  5. Right on. I dunno what work you've done just yet on the issue, so feel absolutely free to tell me to butt out. Y'all can fix this if you make vet visits fun. Like trace when during the trip - he FIRST starts acting like he's not cool with what's going on. That's your first training point. Redirect, reward with toy party, all that. Once he's got that down, continue the process involved in a trip to the vet for Hank, training out the next uncomfortable point that Hank identifies for you. The eventual goal is for him to have a toy party with the scary vet monsters. They'll schedule this for you, too. Probably do it free when you explain what you're doing.
  6. Excellent news. I bet I can guess the answer to this, but how food-motivated is Hank? Do you reinforce training with treats and all that good stuff?
  7. I don't think I've ever heard an option to select an english speaker, and I have to spend a lot of time in phone trees with various companies. I – often – hear some variation of "Para español, presione la tecla numero dos", but never one for english.
  8. Just chillin' with Roger. Sitting like people. You know, for a lot of years I didn't care for cats at all. I love my dogs, but cats are so much easier. And they're all unique. Every cat I've ever had has come with its own little brand of insanity. I'm training Bean to respond to different whistle patterns, kind of like a bosun's call. A long followed by three short means it's time to head to the office for chow. A long ascending means she better get her butt inside the house. I'll add more as she masters these. So far so good. We joke that Mo and SWMBO are frenemies. I've got SWMBO's picture in a frame on my desk, and every time I stand it up, Mo will sneak over and knock it down.
  9. There was a time that I didn't get to sleep before 0300 or so. Just working all the time. Now I'm a terminal burnout and I get cranky if I'm not at least on the way to bed by 2200.
  10. Cats are pretty rad. It's like living with a moody roommate that poops in a box. This one's Mo, our oldest. I'm pretty sure I've posted this picture before but I'm too lazy to look.
  11. Yeah, she's pretty rad. One day I came home from work and caught her walking around with a single edge razor blade at the old place. No idea where that even came from, but she had a rough upbringing.
  12. Another swim jig option.
  13. Was that your PB human or nah?
  14. This is the same cat that chased a squirrel into the house while I was on a work call earlier this year. Total chaos. The dogs were beside themselves, but they were also too afraid of Bean to step in.
  15. Bean rarely visits me in the office, but she came in this morning. Her affection always carries with it an implied threat. You will let me love you…or else.
  16. That ain't even fish. It's chupacabra meat.
  17. Even though I've never fished water with an ice shelf, I 100% believe that to be true. Works the same as a shade line, right? Little bit darker water under the ice?
  18. This man sits on a throne of lies. There are no fish here. In fact, the south is closed. The bear out front shoulda told ya.
  19. Exactly. Fish are nuts. I love it.
  20. Fish are ridiculous and I love them for it. Little while back, on another trip with @TnRiver46, I caught a bluegill on a squarebill, then I caught a largemouth on a Choppo that wasn't much bigger than the lure. The bluegill cracked me up. All it had was the rear treble, and it couldn't fit but one little hook in its mouth, but it went for it.
  21. Simple solution is just not to worry about feathering. Just send it.
  22. I don't have an explanation for why, but of all the lipless I've ever fished, I have the least success with a Rat-L-Trap. Weird. I love fishing them.
  23. *boing* "Nah, they don't seem to care too much." That's beautimous.
  24. Going through my pictures from this year, the only conclusion I can draw is that I need to fish more. Anyway, here's a smallmouth. @TnRiver46 this is from the day that I chummed the water with a chocolate truffle.
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