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Everything posted by galyonj

  1. @Ohioguy25, do you ever just…try stuff to see what'll happen?
  2. Hard to beat a good lipless bite.
  3. We ought to get you on a boat with SWMBO. She'd just as soon blister a school of panfish as catch anything else. The whole reason we have ultralight gear is for her.
  4. The best part about this time of year is that you can watch the number of casuals drop. The jet skis and party boats get packed up, and we almost get the water to ourselves.
  5. Based on my experience around the neighborhood, it's pretty shrill, lot of vocal fry.
  6. If you lose yours I've got two or three that I reckon I could lend you. They're up in the top of my office closet in the lure tomb. ?
  7. Use the popping version I showed you for topwater.
  8. It's possible that catching fish using a windchime does not play to your strengths as an angler.
  9. Yeah, it's a hoot. He's my homeboy.
  10. Love your jigs. Wish I could catch fish on one of these fancy ones, but I've pretty much given up on the idea.
  11. Plus they're a handy onboard snack.
  12. Come up here. There are nests on the stretches that @TnRiver46 and I fish. Eagles, osprey, all that stuff.
  13. I've never met him, but by all accounts, he's a real one.
  14. I cast about like Charles Barley swings a golf club.
  15. Thanks for the music, lady.
  16. One can just about be successful on the water by simply fishing shade lines. There are always other variables to solve for, but working that at least keeps me from fishing totally blind.
  17. That thing grows in size in my mind every time one of us brings it up. I thought your lady was gonna make you jump in after it.
  18. galyonj

    My Dog

    Lily gave me a Glasgow kiss the first time we tried to cut her nails. I thought she'd rebroken my nose, but it's not any crunchier sounding than it usually is, so I guess I survived.
  19. galyonj

    My Dog

    We have two pit mixes. Roger's APBT mixed with some sort of gremlin, best we can tell; and we dunno what kind of mix Lily is, but she's APBT and something. Our cats don't have any patience for these dogs. Bean – the small one – will staple herself to Lily's face and ride her to the ground, then lap up her doggy tears of shame. Roger doesn't really step to the cats anymore, but I remember one time he thought he'd run up on Mo, who turned on him and slapped the taste out of his mouth, then kept working him until she'd backed him up all the way across the house. They're all rescues. Mo's the only animal I've ever had that I picked out at birth.
  20. galyonj

    My Dog

    I've only made the acquaintance of one Weimaraner, but he was pretty rad.
  21. galyonj


    If ever I move from where I'm at, it's going to be to the PNW. Love that area.
  22. That's fair. It is pretty good jerky.
  23. If I didn't know better I'd think nobody ever fed him. Last time I brought him homemade jerky (which I have more of, btw, for next time), he acted like his lady'd been starving him. ?
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