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Everything posted by galyonj

  1. It's ✨magical ✨ but it also frustrates me. I don't want to fish a ned rig, but I'd be foolish to let myself be above it.
  2. The boss lady and I got to ride around on the river with @TnRiver46 yesterday evening for a while. Couldn't have asked for better weather, but the fishing wasn't really shaping up. River fish, to me, are ninjas. Simultaneously everywhere and nowhere. Maybe I just don't know enough to make good decisions. Finally, I tied on my problem solver and caught this little guy: Then he bit me, which was rude. A few casts later, I got bumped again. It was an easy fight until I got it close to the boat, then it turned on the jets. Finally it came alongside and we got a good look at it right before it shot toward the bow, giving Russ an opportunity to reach down and grab it for me. Measured out 19.5". Didn't get a weight. SWMBO caught two, which will be detailed here.
  3. Another evening with @TnRiver46, continued from here. SWMBO took a little longer to get hooked up. I tied her onto the same lure I was using, and this spicy little meatball became her first ever ned rig fish on her brand new rod and reel. It was adorable and she fell in love with it, but we let it go home. A few casts later, she got into a good example of her most favorite fish to catch. I don't think we got any pictures that do it justice, but it gave her all the fight she wanted on that medium-light rod. lol
  4. I made a little bit of pulled pork this weekend.
  5. You are correct, sir. Cherokee's (where this one was caught) paddlefish season is only like 15 days long. Illegal to keep them outside of that. Dude caught this fish with two days left on the clock. lol
  6. That's a real-life dinosaur. American Paddlefish are one of the oldest living species of ray-finned fish, with records dating back 65 million years.
  7. https://www.yahoo.com/news/monster-fish-reeled-angler-may-212229420.html
  8. If I caught 12 bass in three trips I'd be taking out full page ads to tell people about it.
  9. I have a number in mind that somebody could use to money whip me back into an office around other people, but it's high enough that I'm confident nobody's gonna try it.
  10. Comes out. Then, ordinarily, the point is very shallowly reinserted into the plastic.
  11. Kayakers are the bicyclists of the river.
  12. Bone is far and away my most productive top water AND jerkbait color. I just about don't keep any other colors around for walking baits, especially. My other high confidence jerkbait color is 6th Sense chartreuse pearl.
  13. That's some potato.
  14. Roll casts are my jam. I can't stand up to fish because my balance is so bad, so that's how I get around not having the reach to pitch a lure. Roll casting is how I learned to do what little skipping I can.
  15. Depending on what I'm using, my leaders right now are 15lb Invizx, 8lb YZH, or 6lb Assassin.
  16. That is sad. It looked like he'd been eating good, so there's that.
  17. Yeah, it's my favorite terminal knot. I've never had it pull out, I've never had it break when I didn't expect to break it.
  18. That's one of the reasons I switched to a trilene knot a while back for everything. I don't like the tag end picking up hitchhikers.
  19. He's defending against critter invasion.
  20. Bo's rowdy when he takes a notion. lol
  21. Pitter patter, @ol'crickety. Gotta know if I need to start a new batch of rub.
  22. Don't threaten me with a good time.
  23. If the rally's rescheduled, we can simply pregame until the rally's on.
  24. We're just hobbyist online shoppers with fishing problems.
  25. I guess it depends on how we determine "big", but if somebody ran into a DD largemouth in the vicinity of Ft Loudoun, everybody in this area code would have heard about it. I got into a low 3-ish pound largemouth one day when I was out with @TnRiver46, and he and I both about had a come apart over it. ?
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