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Everything posted by galyonj

  1. Man…smallmouth are just the prettiest fish.
  2. What's your process given current?
  3. Mmmm.
  4. @Siebert Outdoors will make you a spinner bait in just about any color you want.
  5. Absolutely. One nice side effect of braid to leader is that breaking off becomes a really simple affair when necessary to do so. And I minimize the mess.
  6. They make great tails.
  7. In the defense of whomever left what I found above, the place I was fishing at is basically a black hole for me. I lost three (completely different presentations, mind) lures in the hour I was there. It'd probably help if I quit setting the hook on logs and chunk rock, but this isn't about me.
  8. All my found lures are evidence of CHUDs that evolved to use fishing gear. Not pictured: Approximately a hundred miles of fishing line that I had to drag out with this Walmart jighead.
  9. Hi it's me one of your fishing buddies.
  10. I messaged @TnRiver46 and told him that Pittsburgh was gonna keep on until I started following baseball again. Then I watched them whip LA this afternoon. RTJR
  11. A swimming worm might be nice in grass, too.
  12. What's the bass forage situation there?
  13. Thank you, sir! I'd just as soon fish in the rain. The fish don't care and it chases away the filthy casuals. lol
  14. Same.
  15. I had an appointment this morning, but I was able to steal some time to go to one of my spots - a shallow cove right off the main channel. Temps were in the low 50s, and the rain was chasing me into the parking lot. At 0900 on a Wednesday morning, there was a kayak sniffing around across the way, and a dude fishing off the dock behind me. This place – like all the other places that I fish from the bank – is heavily pressured. A lot of days I feel like I'm doing alright to catch anything. Today I kept it simple, with the same ned rig that I had tied on in my pictures from the other day. Caught two tiny little things, had a couple more that I couldn't convert. Bounced after the second one. That rain was cold.
  16. Mango was back there like "It's my day with the brain cell, and I'm not giving it up."
  17. LGB. One of the hallmarks of being a Pirates fan is knowing that it can always get worse.
  18. I think their impotent rage is funny.
  19. Topwater fishing is just gobs of fun. That kicknocker looks uncannily similar to an RI Vixen. Price is a little better on the Teckel piece, though. Sometimes, when everybody else is dragging a whole percussion section through the water, a big, slow thud is just the ticket.
  20. There's one in our front door that's driving us bonkers.
  21. Lord have mercy. Do you really think you'd be able to stop chasing the dragon after that?
  22. We let everything go. Even the skipjack head he dragged around behind the boat for most of the evening got to go home. Eta: and he's one of the coolest people I've ever met. He's even nice about my cooking. lol
  23. That's a rock bass. They're as mean as they are tiny.
  24. You are far more patient than I am, sir. But then you could use the catfish head to catch an even bigger catfish, and so on.
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