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Everything posted by galyonj

  1. It's the truthiest truth I know. lol Nit for nothin', but if I woke up tomorrow and all of my gear had been stolen by aliens, the first things I'd rebuy would be a medium-light spinning outfit, mushroom head jigs with #4 hooks, and some shakyheads. Make of that what you will.
  2. Maybe your crawdads are a lot more athletic than mine are, but the ones here kinda....scoot when they're in a hurry. That said, I think it depends on the size of the plastic, what the structure/cover situation is like, and how the fish want it, and how patient I'm willing to force myself to be to fish a certain way. to further complicate matters, you should also consider a swinghead. The point I'm trying to make is that they all work fine, but the fish'll let you know what they want.
  3. Also my $30 Okuma Celilos have hook keepers.
  4. My favorite thing about hook keepers is reading posts from people that string line through them, who are then confused about their casting distance.
  5. Cannot recommend this jighead, or this company, enough. I'm partial to chartreuse. https://www.mulefishing.com/collections/mule-fishing/products/mule-jig-1-16oz
  6. I would say so, yeah. You could probably get away with it with elaztech baits.
  7. I try not to shill, but I'm gonna today. The simple fact of the matter, for me, is that I've not had any better results with a genuine Senko than I have with literally any other stickbait. My favorite – not to mention best producing – stickbait for weightless fishing of any kind is the one from X-Zone. Nice weight, comparable secondary action, can take more of a beating, and they're about half the price. Don't sleep on these.
  8. It has been forever since I've tried to reel up a cinder block. I should try to catch more drum.
  9. So tired of other anglers trying to crowd me. You got the whole place, bro.
  10. Stole a couple hours this morning to putter around. Caught me a dink.
  11. A while back I tried to read a post here to one of them, because I had some questions and I wanted it to have context to help it answer, and all it did was pee on me. Which…I guess is an answer, though it's not the one I wanted.
  12. SWMBO knows all about what kind of color morph he is and probably most of his DNA sequence, but I can't remember. He's some kind of fancypants ball python. Astonishingly picky eater, but he's a good boy nonetheless.
  13. You should meet Julius Squeezer. He's pretty chill.
  14. @AlabamaSpothunter copperheads are identified by their hourglass-shaped markings that are dark on the edges and lighten towards the center. These markings may or may not meet, but are always thick on the sides and narrow toward the spine of the animal. See here: Also note the following identifying characteristics: body is thicker than a rat snake Note how slender the head of the snake in your photograph is compared to this example Copperhead pupils are vertical slits, and rat snake pupils are round.
  15. What's your exact model and year of manufacture for that TM @TetraFish'n?
  16. The kid or the dog?
  17. E1, soft hits that drop in, bad tag at third, score tied. There's the Pirates I know.
  18. @LrgmouthShad white bass are a hoot. I'll happily catch them as long as they wanna bite.
  19. Then you already have effective tools. Quit fooling with that other stuff.
  20. If we wanted to make the saddest video in the world, I could follow you around while you fish a spinnerbait, then lay a Sarah McLachlan song over the video.
  21. Yeah, it's fine. Do what makes you happy.
  22. It has to be for grip. The gurney flap on the lid of the bagger helps straighten out the airflow.
  23. There's one here that advertises, in GIGANTIC letters, LIVE FIREWORKS ON DVD, and the bosslady and I laugh at it every time we see it.
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