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Everything posted by galyonj

  1. That's a funny way to spell bourbon.
  2. I fish a lot of dirty water. Not coincidentally, my bag is full of really dark and really light color plastics.
  3. Let him catch it. Who gives a ****? In a C+R tournament format, how do you disallow a fish that's already been caught once? How many times is it legal for a fish to be caught during a tournament? How do the rules differentiate between a fish that's already been caught by a contestant vs one that was caught once by a local, then caught by a contestant?
  4. I want to give it scritches.
  5. Aw, thank you, @ol'crickety. I appreciate that. My beard tells me it thinks you're pretty great, too.
  6. I ought to put that little jighead in a shadowbox. It's earned it. lol
  7. I must know what this rule was.
  8. Cosigning this. DO NOT mix elaztech with plastisol in the same package. You gotta keep 'em separated. Also expect some color bleed when you do mix soft plastics that won't melt each other. I've got a bag of beautiful, lavender Zoom grubs, because I put white grubs in the same bag as junebug. Whether that's a problem or not I leave up to the reader (the fish don't seem to care).
  9. This is the closest thing I know of to a rule in fishing: Find the food, you'll find the bass.
  10. Bro I could not have got it in without them. Not a chance. All I could do was let the drag do its job, keep pressure on the fish, and kind of make gentle directional suggestions until the tantrum was over. It was absolutely hilarious.
  11. Nosir, that'n ain't fat enough to be mine.
  12. If I had a youtube channel, Russ gave me a title for the newest video drop. NEW PB takes yellow fishing STRING here there and EVERYWHERE Yesterday a lot of things lined up just right and I got to get on the water with @TnRiver46 and our homeslice Bobby. I found myself without adult supervision, as SWMBO was out with a girlfriend that had passed through town. Russ and Bobby were nominated as my babysitters. We had a good break in the rain, and a whole bunch of dirty brown water with nobody else on it. Couldn't ask for better. Things started normally enough. I tried a few things playing with different presentations, but I wasn't really feeling what I had going on. So I decided to quit playing and tie on my problem solver. Caught a skipjack and a few little smallmouth… And then things got weird. Felt a bump and had the least drum-like fight I've ever had out of a drum. It gave us the business. And that's a fun-packed day of fishing with my boys. Then I felt another bump. We didn't know what it was for a while, but we knew it was not happy with us. I didn't track how long it took to get this last fish in on a 6lb leader and a #4 hook, but I can tell you that it took all three of us to close the deal. It wrapped me up in the trolling motor, and Russ got that loose. Then it dragged me under the boat. Then it shot off the other direction. Then it wrapped me up in the transducer, and Bobby had to get that loose. If we weren't all three laughing fit to bust, it may've been over a little faster, but…finally, the fight was over. A 35" blue cat, on a ned rig, attached to 6lb line, on a medium-light spinning rod. It slimed me, but it was worth it. I'm still laughing. What a day.
  13. My fishing partners are dope, but only a fraction of my fishing is done in their presence.
  14. @txchaser I'm already on record with this, but all else being equal, I'd just as soon fish in the rain. Chases the casuals away.
  15. Gotta fish when I get time to fish. Getting wet is kind of the price of doing business. I was out yesterday morning (when it was just a lot of rain, before it turned into @TnRiver46's lightning storm). I lasted longer than I had any right to given how miserable the fishing was.
  16. It looked like it from your picture. lol
  17. I love a good, kinda creepy fog picture. Here's my favorite that I shot a while ago.
  18. Had yesterday off, so I decided to brave the rain and go fishing. Didn't catch anything, but I got to hang out with these ducks for a little bit. So that was pretty cool. Took the picture during a break in the weather.
  19. Just get you some Big Game.
  20. How deep would you say the fish were once you got into them, @papajoe222?
  21. No. Around here, at least, stations with 0% ethanol fuel make a big deal about it. Signs and all that. Plus it costs more.
  22. I don't much think it matters, tbh. I've caught on both. The mushroom heads just suit my OCD a little better.
  23. I think you'll run across populations in a body of water that are a little spookier than others. And I think, to your point, a lot of that comes down to fishing pressure. The majority of my fishing, due to time and accessibility constraints, is mostly public parks from the bank. As you mentioned, a lot of casual anglers that use artificial lures love the loud, flashy ones. And I think a lot of the resident fish at these parks are just annoyed at that stuff now. I've had people approach me that didn't think fish were around to be caught at places, because the fish there will almost swim past a dozen rattling or chattering lures to bite a weightless trick worm.
  24. I intended to reup my stash of purple stickbaits, but the monkey got me.
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