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Everything posted by galyonj

  1. If the wind's blowing just right, you can almost hear crepe myrtles growing. The scoundrels.
  2. Junebug is my registered emotional support color.
  3. What you need is a ghillie suit and an ice fishing rod. That way you can start your crawl about 500 meters out from where you want to catch from. Then you can just drop it right in their faces.
  4. There's no small amount of truth to the joke that BPs are the pet rocks of the reptile world. Boas and retics are another matter entirely, as you well know. We did, briefly, have a second BP. Penelope was a big female, and she was aggressive. Took her back to the guy we got her from.
  5. @slonezp yessir. That's Julius Squeezer.
  6. Go when it's raining. Cuts down on the riff raff.
  7. Man, I've spent my whole life trying to convince people not to give me any responsibility. I don't wanna run nothin'.
  8. It was. It also wasn't entirely our fault. We had to watch that barge do barge stuff.
  9. For whatever it's worth, I don't like a moderate action for single-hook finesse presentations like this. Makes it unnecessarily hard for my brain to catch up with both the fish and the rod at the same time. I want a fast action, medium light rod for ned rigs. Quick snap up to set the hook, then I just keep pressure on the fish and let my drag and the rod blank do the heavy lifting for me.
  10. Hooked him right in his side meat.
  11. I was allowed out of the house last night for a little float with @TnRiver46. Was told not to get home at ten. Got home at ten. We'll report later on the outcome of that decision, but it ain't looking great. That said, it was a blast. I got a migraine right now, so you're not gonna get much of a story. We looked in all the wrong places, I got hung up on almost every cast, and were harassed throughout by tiny fish, but we managed to catch a few and still bust a gut laughing at ourselves, so it was a pretty good night on the water. Once we wised up and started fishing the rip rap, I caught a couple smallmouth on – of course – a ned rig. Then I caught this one that ran about 16" or so. Biggest of the night.
  12. How would you describe working a slider head to someone that does a lot of ned rig and shakyhead fishing?
  13. I don't believe I have any slider heads. I throw them on a little mushroom-head jig fairly often, though. I keep a lot of light wire stuff tied on.
  14. …I might have a use for that.
  15. I squeezed red onion juice directly into my eyeballs. That worked.
  16. That's the hardest thing to teach my baby engineers.
  17. My shaky head's a dead ringer a large percentage of the time. If it's not that, it's something else from Zoom. I've got some Netbait and Yum stuff, too; but Zoom just hits the spot for me.
  18. Easier to think of them as another model from Lew's. They just spun all the Mach hardware out into another brand.
  19. Right on. Last time I had them out of storage, I put a Z-Man floating worm on a very light shaky head. It was fun to cast – @TnRiver46 said it looked like I was throwing a pink tomahawk – but it sure didn't go very far. lol
  20. @Team9nine I gotta pick your brain because you mentioned them, but are you referring to the Z-man floating worms? I really want to like them, but they cast like a Kleenex. Do you have any tricks for casting them effectively?
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