It IS apples to apples. In all cases we are talking about things that are bought because we like them. They are discretionary purchases. Unless you make your living riding a motorcycle, hunting big game, or bass fishing, these things are all "hobby" type of purchases.
If you NEED a rifle on the cheap, you can get a Savage or CZ for well under $1000 that will do everything you need it to do, or a plastic service pistol for under $500. But some of us choose to buy fine old Mausers and finely tuned Les Baer pistols instead.
It is all about where we, as individuals choose to spend our money. I'd bet dollars to doughnuts that among the folks on this forum who argue that buying the best reels are a waste of money, there are a good many that don't have a problem with buying expensive trucks, or spending a fortune on a McMansion or even thousands on landscaping that mostly benefits the neighbors.
Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with any of these things. I just wish that people would see that it is simply choices we make instead of thinking that the things they do are perfectly sensible and the things others might choose instead are a waste of money.