That Falcon Expert rod isn't as sensitive as the new Z-bone I got, or some of my Megabass stuff, nor do they make the many special purpose and niche rods like Megabass does. But I can throw the Expert in a mix with those rods and in no way do I feel like the Expert is really outclassed.
In my opinion they are much better than the Avids, the Tatulas, LTB, etc. In fact I'd put a Falcon Lowrider at about $120 up against any of those rods any day.
I have a hard time sometimes figuring out exactly why everybody always recommends stuff like Mojo Bass, and any Dobyns rod other than MAYBE the very top of their line up. Just like when anyone ever asks for recommendations for rods under $100, it's so predictable that a whole bandwagon automatically recommends the Aird-x. Certainly everyone has a right to use what they like and to recommend it.
But I have a suspicion that what we end up with is sort of a regenerative feedback loop. Guys who are beginners ask for recommendations. On those recommendations they buy either a Dobyns Fury or an Aird-X. A month later another guy asks for recommendations and that same guy who a month ago didn't himself know what to buy is now on the bandwagon recommending the same rod.
So it gets bigger and bigger as we go. And many of the recommendations are coming from people who, while they may be very pleased with their rods haven't really fished with enough other stuff to tell what of the other stuff might be better.
The Aird is a nice rod for $50, but the truth is that for $69 the Falcon HD is a much better rod than the Aird and much much better than the cheaper Dobyns stuff. I wouldn't give you $50 for a Dobyns Fury. If you gave me a choice between a Fury and a $29 Daiwa Crossfire, I'd take the Crossfire in a heartbeat. Or even a Berkley Cherry-wood.
And yes, I've had all these rods.
I don't mean to step on anyone's toes. It's just that I have a hard time understanding why so many really good rods get passed over just because 40 people recommend a lesser rod. What's popular isn't always what's best. You can outdo any of the rods mentioned with a Falcon, Ark, the lighter HMG, a few of the BPS rods and likely a dozen more and probably cheaper too.
I just try to keep other guys from making the same mistakes I have and save them the hundreds or even thousands of dollars that I blew when I didn't know any better either. I try to keep people from buying Vendetta's, Veritas, Furys, Sierras, and etc. because they are not very good rods for the money. I know that rods are a personal thing and that one mans pleasure is anothers poison, but on the other hand a broomstick is a broomstick.
Shutting down rant mode.....