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Jonas Staggs

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Everything posted by Jonas Staggs

  1. Yes just a jig shoved into a yum craw. Can do the same with a solid body tube
  2. Give this a try, good craw profile, with some extra action
  3. I have done really well with the yum Ned craw which is a realistic crawfish bait. Perhaps you are fishing them wrong. The trick is to fish them on a stand-up jig so that the crawfish stands up off the bottom and gives a natural presentation. Skirted jig works well too or if you want to go weedless use an ewg and a skirt
  4. You mean bluegill soft plastics or just bluegill in general? I have alot of bluegill lures that have done well for me Bellows gill Storm green sunfish Savage gear bluegill Jackal gantarel jr We have a lot of green sunfish and some of the areas that I fish and that Storm green sunfish has done really well it looks a lot like a green sunfish in the water despite it being a cheap bait I have caught multiple fish with it on different bodies of water
  5. Some of the best memories of my life were going fishing with my Best friend. Enjoy your time with him. Glad to see he's wearing a vest.
  6. 10# braid to 10# copolymer
  7. Nope, there a tunnel that feeds the lake, I caught my PB there. I was standing on top of the tunnel and dropped the lure in front of it. The bass ate it and swam straight away, I was practically standing on top of him. There also no structure in the lake, it's a hoa pond.
  8. Naw bro, drag had nothing to do with it. It's because my line was frayed, my knot was weak, my line guides are frayed and it wasn't a bass lol. With correct set drag I have landed some really big carp on 6 and 8 pound test. I posted pics of them earlier. I primarily UL or finesse fish, so having my drag set correctly is crucial. That being said I don't know why people like catching carp, even giant ones on a UL are kind of boring fights, all they do is run. No jumping or thrashing like a bass. I believe someone earlier said a 2 lbs bass is capable of snapping 10# test line. (Assuming it's not frayed or a weak knots) if that's the case, I don't see why someone wouldn't think having no drag wouldn't play a part. Anyways thanks for your logical response.
  9. Yes it was the biggest bass I have seen at this lake as well, which is what prompted me to ask the question because I was wondering just how big of a bass I lost. There's a few 6 pounders at the lake, but most are 2. It would really suck to lose a new PB because my drag was broken. I'm leaning more towards snapped the line due to no drag, rather then frayed line, weak knots, different species. as with non frayed line, and a strong knot, the line would still snap with no drag with a fish capable of exerting more than 10 lbs of pressure on the line. Perhaps it would have been better to phrase my question like this. How small of a bass can snap 10# test line with no drag? The answer is weak knots frayed line different species lbs lol.
  10. Drag you say huh? What's that? You think you could have caught those fish with the drag cinched down as tight as possible? If you did have the drag set as tight as possible, do you think the line would snap? If yes why? Because of the drag? Or because of a poor knot, frayed line, scratched line guides, and a different species of fish? I have caught fish that weigh more than the pound test line I was fishing, because my drag was set correctly. Today that wasn't the case because my drag was broken.
  11. That possiblity is there, but I got the fish in about 1 ft of water, about 1 foot from the Bank. I saw it, I'm confident it was a bass. I have caught plenty of carp and catfish.
  12. How can you be so sure of that? I find it hard to believe that having no drag had nothing to do with it
  13. Possibly, I'm confident it was a bass though. The biggest bass I have ever seen there. It was actually in the same spot I caught my 3.4 last year. A tunnel. That being said yes people always over estimate the size. I see a lot of people calling 1-2 bass like 4-5 lbs regularly. I was originally thinking someone would know something like, a 2 lbs bass is capable of creating x amount of pressure so I could sort of try and guestimate the size. I now know that's not possible there's too many variables
  14. Shoot me a dm. I'll show you a video of the spot, you could decide if it's worth the drive. I don't know if LA to IE is worth the drive for tiny Creek fish.
  15. That was not my logic, it's yours. I never said the bass was 10 lbs and I'm well aware of the fact that 10 test line means it can hold 10 pounds of pressure, not a 10 pound fish. It was not a catfish. I saw the fish and it was a bass. It doesn't sound like you read my post thoroughly
  16. d**n that's crazy, I couldn't stay there that long. Not because I wouldn't want to but don't have free time like that. If you like sarl you might want to try the actual Santa Ana River. I catch some nice creek bass there. Not huge but still fun
  17. That makes sense. The fish was very close. Praise be to Allah Ill get a new mofo reel! Thanks
  18. I just found your comment rude. If we were having a face to face conversation, I doubt you would speak to me in the same manner or have made that comment. People tend to speak others differently over the Internet. I'm a very polite and respectful person and I expect the same from others. Because of this, I can get angry easily at the slightest form of disrespect. As far as toughening up, I'm not the toughest guy in the world, but I am a retired Muay Thai fighter who was once ranked 14th in the world for my weight class by the IKF. Back to fishing, I was unaware of the difference in regards to how much line is out having a affect on it. So you have taught me something new. Thank you.
  19. Ah castaic, haven't been there since I was a kid. Santa Ana lake, do you mean Santa Ana River lakes down off the 91?
  20. I'm out in the IE. I do go down to LA area once in a while. Where are you fishing? I have probably been there if it's public
  21. Yup it was upsetting because it's the biggest bass I have seen there. Most fish are 1-2, my Best there is 3.4, 3+ pounds is big for there. There's been a few 6 pounders that have been caught there. That being said it was the biggest bass I have seen there. So just wondering if I might have hooked into a 6 pound unicorn, or a common 2 pounder. This thread didn't really go as planned. Lol. Thanks for your input. Not sure where all the hostility is coming from. No need for insults with your little kid games comment. Have a good one bro!
  22. My question was what pound bass would snap 10# line with no drag. The answer to that question is a number. Rather than answering my question, many pointed to other possibilities, such as line guides, frayed line, knot failure. All those things are quite possible. We all know how important correctly set drag is and with no drag, the line could still snap if it wasn't frayed and had a strong knot. Thus I repeated my question to clarify what I was asking. I believe 2 or 3 people answered my question with a weight/number. I don't believe I repeated the question once it was answered with a weight/number Thanks for your input ? Thanks for your advice
  23. Lol, I was thinking more like 35 lbs 29 oz ? 7# on 2# is impressive Thanks brotha
  24. This was a good read and something that was on my mind today, I'm in socal but it's still helpful. I have noticed the bite usually picks up around here in February and I have done really well with the lipless cranks, my best so far was 15 bass in one day all on the same crank. Lipless is about the only crank I throw now. I have not had much success on square bills or deep divers Super spots are super!
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