Yea I figure with the wood I will be replacing it every few years.
I have seen pics of many other people do something similar so it must not be that bad, but it looks like ass, especially on my white boat and white truck.
Guess I could paint the board white 🤪
Not worried about any noise, the quick release plate is some type of heavy plastic /shrug.
Yes, I absolutely need the bracket because no garage and boat lives outside so I need to be able to constantly remove the trolling motor and take it with me when I park the boat every weekend after going out.
I'd be hard pressed to even mount the motor without the quick release bracket on the 4 rear most bolt holes, but it is probably doable, but again I need to be able to remove it fast and easy every time I park the boat after going out on it, which is every weekend both days weather permitting.
Yea I to was surprised that the small puck mounts to the boat and larger outer part of the bracket mounts to the motor but it makes sense as the puck is too small to reach the mounting holes on the motor itself. It's a VERY common plate that's been out for years so I don't expect any issues out of it.
Motor is only 55lb and boat is only about 800lbs before I get in it so its not under as much load as say a fiberglass bass boat would put on it.
We will see how it goes and I will report back if I find any issues with the $70 quick release plate.
Other options are getting some kind of metal plate to bolt to the boat bow to extend out front of the bow some, then mount the puck on that, but it needs to be simple, precut, and cheap because 95% of my tools are packed away and after buying the trolling motor my wallet is already bleeding out lol.
Oh yea this trolling motor is going to make my fishing SOOOOO much more enjoyable since I'm mostly on tidal rivers down here and the current/tide is VERY swift, and I'm fishing upriver in the fresh water where its only 10-20 yards wide and sometimes less. Trying to use this old edge 45lb foot-controlled motor has been a nightmare and a joke and I can only use it sitting down because there's not enough room for me to stand and use the pedal while fishing.
Whatever it takes, I will get this thing securely mounted 😎
I would think pressure treated 2x6 and maybe even stained/enamel coated would be fine with the aluminum?
That looks very nice and needed since your deck is below bow rail height, mines all flat mostly.
I just don't have a garage or the tools or anyplace to build something like that.
All I really need is a long flat strong metal plate wide enough to mount the trolling motor quick release plate to.
Your a better man than me using that edge foot-controlled thing, I can't stand it, so awkward, uncomfortable, and annoying imo.
I despise foot control motors and even if it was on a flat decked bass boat in a recessed footpedal hole I would rip it out as soon as I could save up for a wireless spotlock model.
Hell I'm still ticked most of the trolling motors are still using 100 year old brushed motors instead of modern brushless motors like is in all my RC airplanes, trucks, cars, boats, for almost like 20 years now.
Yea the new Lowrance motor is brushless, and outrageously priced, and I think the new Garmin motor is also, and also outrageously priced. Hell to the no.
I already feel ripped off paying $1700 for this 12v 55lb 48" ipilot model.
Such is life lol.
I will figure something out hopefully this weekend in the rain and report back.