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Everything posted by garroyo130

  1. Received my first higher end (to me) reel from Japan today and was surprised it came with both a cloth bag and some clear strips. They are 5 small strips on a clear plastic card. The reel is a Shimano Complex XR Was wondering if anyone knows that they are used for off the top of their heads?
  2. Exactly and a whopper plopper is NEVER the right tool
  3. If you're weary, you can always use Amazon japan and get some of the benefit with less of the risk. You'll know exactly what you're paying upfront and as long as the customer service provided by Amazon, its almost risk-free. I picked up a Shimano Complex XR from there a week ago for $115 that should arrive today.
  4. Fuego CT is my vote as well but if you want to stay closer to budget, Lews LFS going for 70ish right now.
  5. No experience with those, but have heard great things about the Royale. Found a like-new one on amazon going for $28 if thats of any help. https://www.amazon.com/KastKing-Royale-Spinning-Fishing-Saltwater/dp/B0B8MC4N6G/ref=sr_1_23?crid=XKO6KU1PFWB9&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.-C9tmhcPOpHSvqQSUBAwxgtKEOALD3auxlN3cW1NWoJCGJdZnG_LZUhjYR3H5z1F37ta3F35SC043QoMvSlN5C3uooMlf04xmCi9sANZZ0pepCYOQziWDB2p5ns_1_bSLUsGxbC74sJoPAszsmTZTNumfK-j4E0lkRGqy7WAioT1VUb12zMX4RtxReLkjGRnUO9bwP9zEhqYVwoY_5itBd0-weauoVO3PjgwuaUeAqr7ERWO9xh9qN9reDEFjQQ32peiDDZOQ2TzbGGf1RPP8GkW3t1GfYO7jH_KifSWAaI.bdqmb4VtmQzLitZFmszhpNGlnIL-RoAY2OMvaSPC370&dib_tag=se&keywords=spinning%2Breel&m=A2L77EE7U53NWQ&qid=1721744673&s=warehouse-deals&sprefix=spinning%2Breel%2Cwarehouse-deals%2C118&sr=8-23&srs=10158976011&th=1
  6. Yeah, I'm referring to the clutch and its springs. I do not take out the AR bearing itself on mine. Are you able to fully assemble (handle and everything) and record the sound?
  7. ? Video of clicking? Is it clicking when reeling or when turning the reel upside down? How do you notice clicking before handle is on?? First thing I would check is to make sure all c-clips are on where they need to go. For the K i believe that means the bearing at the bottom of the main shaft and the level wind bushing. Second thing would be to make sure the drag stack is seated properly. Last thing would be to make sure that everything related to AR is installed correctly. Check the spring especially since it likes to dance around.
  8. From the bank, the best change I made was going to as light a weight as possible. When I was throwing the 1/4oz that everyone recommends, I'm sure I was getting many bites that went undetected. Once I got down to 1/16th, I was better able to see takes and also got many more takes on the initial drop.
  9. Maybe I don't specialize to the level you do, but I don't associate braking profiles with techniques. The difference was after owning the Curado K and servicing it. The design is my biggest gripe. Having all screws screw into the graphite side plate vs the aluminum frame, the design and location of the worm gear (still not a fan of plastic here either), and the fact that somehow, someway water easily finds its way inside the reel through regular usage is what made me not a fan. I'm also not the biggest fan of the reels casting profile as even after cleaning, lubing, and oiling bearings with TSI 321 it doesn't perform well with lighter baits. Tatula SV can be had at a similar price point $180 - $200 and has a better design (minus T wing) and a better braking system.
  10. IMO diminishing returns begin when you shop stupidly. As an example, I got carried away by the hype of the Curado K and purchased one without every handling it. I tried to convince myself I liked it but at the end of the day IMO its not a great reel. Had that same amount been spent on a Tatula SV, I have no doubt I would have been pleased. I think there's gems at every price point as long as you look hard enough.
  11. I wonder at what rod price point line starts to matter more? Or y'all throwing big game on them Exprides?
  12. Reviving this one ... Did anyone end up trying the Salamandura 150 SV spool swap on a Tatula/Fuego CT? If so, did it fit? How does it perform?
  13. I don't think SV spools fit, only BFS. But I'm sure someone smarter than me will know for sure ...
  14. Yeah, I was intrigued by the double handle Nasci for $60 ... but I definitely don't need it lol
  15. Just arrived. Perfect unused condition. Incredible steal @ $73.50... now to sell my Curado K and get an ultralight Vanford
  16. Why are you set on 4000? Surf fishing?
  17. *IN THE TIME IT TOOK ME TO POST HERE, IT SHOWED SOLD OUT* Walmart just had Curado 150 MGL $73.50. Shipped and sold by Walmart. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Shimano-Fishing-CURADO-MGL-150-Low-Profile-Reels-CUMGL150/789639749?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&adid=22222222227789639749_167635139001_19190274142&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=704237339194&wl4=pla-1409824743790&wl5=9028322&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=online&wl12=789639749&veh=sem&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI56rQ2sCkhwMVhHJ_AB3j3wHhEAQYBiABEgJRyvD_BwE Not sure if it was a pricing mistake or it was legit sold out but I picked one up and am hoping it doesnt get cancelled.
  18. Looks like they only got into the marketing business tbh
  19. So to confirm, pinion and bearing are out of the reel but fused together? If yes, then a 50/50 of acetone and trans fluid is the best penetrant I've found.
  20. IMO those two sizes aren't different enough to make a difference when it comes to line memory or casting distance. If bass fishing, I also don't see a scenario where you need more line capacity. Using the right type of line and preventing line twist (making sure line roller works, closing bail manually) have a far bigger impact on line management than spool size.
  21. I believe that trophy bass hunter Bill Murphy mentioned something about most of the largest bass all sharing spots as a feature. I may be mistaken though.
  22. They should be screwed in tightly. I've messed with knobs on a handful of Fuegos and all have tightened fully. Whenever I experience that issue it usually had to do with the position of the shims. On some it was bushing > shim > handle > bushing, others had the shim in other places such as nearer to the screw. I messed with the handles a ton and never really could determine why the order made a difference but it did.
  23. I wouldn't say they're necessarily bad quality. I have a Mod/Med casting rod going on about 7 years now? that has help up perfectly.
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