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Everything posted by garroyo130

  1. I picked up the Complex XR last year and its a great reel. Its worth looking at all the Vanford derivatives since sometimes those go on steeper sales than the Vanford since they aren't as popular.
  2. I also remember there being a green version of this
  3. @NorthernBasser sending prayers your way. Reach out to the American Cancer Society and inquire about their Hope Lodges. They may be able to help provide a tiny something to look forward to during treatment.
  4. Are you looking to replace just the spool bearings? What bearings are we talking about?
  5. Idk .... arguably the best thing that can happen. I received a surf rod with a busted eye and they issued full refund with no need to return.
  6. Ultegra all day ... worm drive
  7. They fish Curado Es
  8. Where did that Shimano number come from??? There is no way Shimano is doing more sales than Pure Fishing at 800M Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for FY2023 (JGAAP) Net sales from this segment decreased 4.6% from the previous year to 457 million yen and operating loss of 11 million yen was recorded, following an operating income of 1 million yen for the previous year https://contents.xj-storage.jp/xcontents/AS02673/a63dd926/deae/4d3b/a670/f27350daf517/140120240207528856.pdf
  9. People don't go looking for DC reels and buy Shimano, they go looking for Shimano reels and buy DC.
  10. I honestly don't on the newer reels but if I had to, plastic safe MAF cleaner would be a good choice I would imagine.
  11. ... and as everyone knows, smoother = bigger fish
  12. Some of their grease is stupidly thick. The translucent grease they use on the reel handle knob bushings looks and acts like polyurethane bushing grease.
  13. TRB RC is my go to place as well. I will warn that every now and then you will get a bad one (seems more common in the smaller sizes like handle knob bearings) so check them all as soon as you receive them. They have replaced the few bad bearings I have received.
  14. I don't believe that it's stretch as much as the belly of the line. Braid is extra thin so there is very little resistance when moving the belly of the line, fluoro sinks so there is less belly in the line, mono is thicker in diameter than braid and has more belly than fluoro. This was definitely noticeable for me when attempting to fish deeper water with mono/copoly vs braid.
  15. I have a few size 4s but the old style where its the brass body vs the new size 4 bead bodies. Not sure it makes a different but the beads look ugly and cheap to me.
  16. Report here as well ...
  17. Teeth are free you bozos!
  18. What kind of fishing do you plan to do (lure/line weight) and what reel are you matching it to? Micro spoons, weightless trout magnets, etc.? Bait fishing, indicator fishing?
  19. IMO the main benefit to learning is you decide how you want your reel to feel. I went through several different combinations of grease and oil before I landed on something that was perfect for me with my ultralight spinning reels.
  20. what kind of stop are you using? I feel like the tiny red ones should go through just fine but ive never tried
  21. Owed y'all a picture Rubber buttcap. Purchased around 2006 for $40. Made in China, performs extremely well. Even used it for jig fishing at one point though its a crankbait rod.
  22. *true 4lb line and under Use whatever rod and reel you want, the line will be the limiting factor either way
  23. Model number? Description of logo? I have a GT2 All Star that is mid 2000s ish but definitely made in China. Still a great rod but it was originally an Academy special going for like $50 new.
  24. I'll chime in and say you won't lose distance but effort to reach the same distance will be more. When throwing deep divers, I feel like the wind resistance and line weight are what determine how far it ultimately travels. I hit the same distance with a 6'10 rod as a 7'3 with most baits except heavy carolina rigs where you can clearly see a difference.
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