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Everything posted by umdivx

  1. Omnia Fishing has their app with their pro account has water temp as a feature https://www.instagram.com/omniafishing/reel/C5hNaEJvz5u/ it can be fairly accurate, I'm wondering with the cooler nights, and when the data is collected (satellite imaging) if they're collecting it when it's just the surface temps at night or early morning.
  2. Yup was out yesterday just west of Rogers and was seeing 72-73.
  3. If you're on Facebook lookup "Bass Fishing Deal Hunters" we have a group that we created that posts deals on lures and everything else. We also have Punch Fishing and Hellabass that provide new monthly Omnia codes.
  4. UPF was who originally made the axle for Ranger for my trailer back in 2006, UPF was bought out by Dexter. These are custom axles that have a wishbone drop in the center of the axle. Most torsion axles are straight all the way through so those are out as they would sit too high and impede the boat from getting onto the trailer. This is a close to a replacement that I have found https://mcclaintrailers.com/product/parts-catalog/axles/ufp-torsion-axle-3750-rated-80-with-vault-hubs/ only issue or what I need to find out is if they have a 4,500lb or higher option. Have a request into them to find out.
  5. Thanks but doesn't help. The axle isn't repairable, torsion core is shot, so axle has to be replaced.
  6. I did, no go. They only carry the 3750lb axle.
  7. Well that's why I posted here, to see if anyone had any recommendations of brand that can help make it work and move the process along.
  8. Called their main number on the website, got transferred three times which finally ended in a voice mail, left a msg but haven't heard back yet.
  9. I've got a 2006 Ranger Reata with a single axle trailer. It's the 4500lb torsion axle that I believe was made by Unique Functional Products (UPF) which was then bought out by Dexter. I see places like Eastmarine have what appears to be a replacement Ranger axle but that is the 3750lb axle and not the 4500lb axle. Anyone know where I can find a 4500lb axle and not have to wait 3+ months for it? I'm in Minnesota and if I have to wait 3 months my season is essentially over with at that point. Any help would be greatly appreciated! -Frustrated Angler
  10. I've emailed over and over again with zero replies, called the phone number again, just voicemail. Another post I did on *** Boards someone said they apparently got sold to another bait company out of New York but can't seem to find out who. Ended up having to fight the charge via my credit card company as I doubt I'll see this order I did.
  11. So I ordered some tackle from Cabin Creek Baits via their website back in early May, order went through, Credit Card charge went through, got the email confirmation and then crickets. I've emailed a dozen times and called several times with zero answer and or response. Anyone know whats going on?
  12. Just dropped off the boat last night actually, she's all tucked away in the shed for the winter. I pulled the plug mainly because I don't have a garage big enough to put my boat in over night. The over night temps are what scare me if I'm still using the boat, don't want the water lines to freeze. Been bank / wading fishing the Sippi now. Mostly mid week to avoid the crowds. Not sure the the day time temps will re-activate them, the over nights are still low, so highly doubt it'll make a dent it the water temps.
  13. just out from the beach. Long flat in the 7 - 8' depth and then drops off into deeper water. Pretty much anywhere, you can get into some gnarly **** with a yak.
  14. Welcome to MN. What took you so long to move here? Lake George for a long time was a hidden gem, like really really good bass fishing up until the local lake association started "treating" the lake for weeds and it all but killed off the great bass bite. The "ball sack" was epic on George, it was the best spot on the lake for a long time. Hit up the Rum with your Yak you'll get into some good smallies.
  15. Woman, Man, Little Boy Lakes. Anything in that chain just south of Leech.
  16. I was up on Mille Lacs last week and man was it tough. Just can't figure out the mid summer/deep bite on that lake any more. Had good luck a few years ago but it's been slow and tough the last few years. The best bite I get is up north (vermilion, kab, ect..), fall time for smallies.
  17. Well good thing I've sorta figured out them on WBL too
  18. Out pre-fishing on Tonka for a tournament I have on Sunday and ran into this nice 4lber... Now here's hoping they're still on the spot come Sunday.
  19. I fish (and co-direct) the GreenHorn Wednesday nighters and this past Wednesday night we had a dual lake derby. we've got 20 boats and we split it up, 10 boats on Centerville and 10 boats on Peltier, if you're familiar with these lakes they're part of the rice creek watershed. Anyways going into the tournament we thought it was going to be absolute horse*** of a night, pre-fishing was horrendous, nothing over 2lbs, 3 fish in 6hrs kinda deal, just bad. Though the three fish we caught was off of the same 30yd stretch, off a hump leading to deeper waters. So we said screw it and said that's our starting spot, was the only place we got some "consistency". Didn't think we'd fill our 5 fish limit, but within 40 minutes of being there we pulled in 10+ fish, culling left and right and ended the night with the WIN for 19.82lbs. Turned out to be absolutely ridiculous, like this crap of a lake, the same 30yd stretch put out nearly 20lbs. Ended up being our biggest bag to date. Just unreal. We never moved from this spot, stayed there all night. We had big bas of the night with 5.35lbs but we never put into the big bass pot as we didn't think in a million years we'd get big bass of that crappy lake. Just crazy how the night ended up being. EDIT: Video of our night
  20. Wasn't doing it on purpose. More so just being lazy. Honestly don't really know, was more so just idling around side scanning marking the weed edges while having a line in the water while doing it.
  21. Last week on Friday got up early as it was the first nice day without any major wind, went to one of my go to lakes where I know I can catch quality fish, was on the water by 5:40ish, went to my normal spots and really didn't catch anything, so started to just idle around side scanning and looking around. While I was idling around a deeper point with milfoil on top of it, I had my line in the water dragging (trolling) a neko rig, and all the sudden I got trucked by a fish, ended up pulling up a largie just shy of 5lbs. Marked the spot and kept working it, just slowly dragging along the neko rig and for the next hour and a half was pulling up fish after fish after fish, 20+ in that span, smallest was 2.98. Have never ran into a school like that where nearly every single fish was over 3lbs, was just nutz.
  22. The wind man, I can't remember a time where we've had this much consistent wind. Really getting tired of all this wind lately.
  23. Hit Mille Lacs Saturday morning on a last minute audible. Was planning on going to Hayward, WI area but then saw the wind/weather for Mille Lacs and said screw it and headed north. Got on the water around 7am and was instantly on the fish, was still seeing them on beds and near bigger boulder in the sand to rock transition areas on the east side of the lake. Found several 4lbers, biggest came in at 4.45, just a few crayfish shy of a 5lber, best 5 came in at 20.10lbs for the day. Best part about the day was seeing all the fancy wrapped boats all around us not catching anything, felt pretty good pulling in fish and them just staring at you trying to figure out what they're doing different from you. Best part of the day had to of been when we cam across a VW sized boulder in 8' of water, thing was just massive, I looked at my brother and go "hey that looks pretty fishy" and tossed my bait right next to it and instantly my line started to quickly pull away from the boulder, just love when that happens. This week is going to suck for fishing, very very windy forecast, not sure how much fishing I'll be doing this week.
  24. Had my first derby yesterday out on Horseshoe Chain in Cold Spring. Did one day of pre-fishing Wednesday last week and stumbled upon a bunch of bass on beds, marked all the beds I could and left them alone. Tried finding a backup pattern but really couldn't find anything else, so plan was to hit the beds right away an hope they were still there. Come yesterday morning I wasn't the only one hitting the same bay, and hitting bed fish. Luckily it was only 4 of us total, and the plan worked out, had 5 fish in the box by 9:30, and then just junk fished the rest of the day trying to find that big kicker. EDIT: Fun note, top 3 teams all hit the same bay and bed fished. So almost all the big bass came from the same bay which was just crazy to think. Culled up in mid day in another bay, so had two 4lbers, one 3lber and two smaller ones. Went back to the first bay that we started out at in the morning, and made two more culls, one of which was literally with minutes left before we needed to head back to weigh-in. My brother chucked a weightless wacky senko into a laydown and pulled out are biggest bass of the day at 4.26lb was an awesome end to the day and we squeaked out 2nd place. Was the first time ever fishing the chain and it's definitely a fun system to fish, a really diverse structure system, laydowns, rock, sand, you name it. Water was crazy clear, never expected that at all. Will definitely be back there for some fun fishing.
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