I think that may compromise the hook set.
Won't the hook slide all the way to the weight ❓
And possibly unseat the weight and you lose the whole works.
I never let the connecting knot get into the spool.
It limits knot contact with the guides allowing better casting. Imo
More specifically,
My leaders are 6 ft in length.
If the top guide is fine, just respool new line.
My fishing partner simply had a bad spool of braid, believe it was fire line and had the same issues you're having.
The wife and I camp at various lakes in VA/WV and stay for a week at a time, 4 hour drive 1 way.
I'll take the boat down couple days before and fish for several hours and then leave the boat and come back home.
After our week long trip, I bring the wife home pulling the camper and next morning have to run back down and get the boat but fish again for several hours.
It's a tremendous amount of driving and you may ask " why don't you let the wife tow the boat ?
Simple answer:
I've been with this sweet woman for almost 40 years and she could tear up a digging iron.
I refuse to set her up for failure.
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