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Everything posted by Bird

  1. Maybe because it's geographic or I'm a miserable failure 😳 But for LM bass, I don't do well with water temps below 50. I caught 2 on a flat side crank a couple of years ago and threw a victory parade. Can we talk about 50* water ❓ Jigs Spinnerbaits Jerkbaits
  2. I fish very clear water and overcast is much preferred. Steep shady banks can be fun on sunny days.
  3. Well, there's definitely that 😂
  4. After a loooong cold and windy winter I'm going out for the 1st time in 2025. 70's most of next week so will pick out the least windiest day. Certainly don't expect optimal water temps but just trolling around the lake casting and the anticipation of the 1st bite should restore sanity 😉
  5. Everything I've ever lost happened on one trip. " Early 80's " We were floating the river in a Coleman Crawdad with plans of doing a campout, we had a lot of gear. My buddy and I both had to get low to go under a low water bridge where the current was strong. We came out to see a large root bed from a previous flood. It happened quick, front of boat rode right up the root bed and boat flipped end for end landing upside down. We lost sleeping bags, coolers, tackle boxes, cameras, flip phones, my coveted Shimano Bantams. We've done this float many times and were young and confident......but not prepared for this.
  6. It was a couple of years ago. Was fishing a small remote lake in WV not known for big bass. It was April 2 with 52* water temp and was throwing a swim jig. Can't say it was a single fish but a crazy unexpected day.
  7. Spinnerbait Jackall flickshake Jerkbait
  8. I think that may compromise the hook set. Won't the hook slide all the way to the weight ❓ And possibly unseat the weight and you lose the whole works.
  9. Been chewing tobacco for 50 years and never spit on a bait. HOWEVER ! I did spray baits down with WD-40 years ago when someone started that craze 😁
  10. I only throw 6" Zoom lizard in cotton candy chartreuse. They work well in clear water TR and drop shot in the spring. Think I have one on a shaky head as well.
  11. Are you Josh Jones ❓ Be honest !
  12. If you throw the bait that is less effective 100 times more often then the bait that is seemingly effective.......it should equal out. 😁 But sometimes it just doesn't make sense. Was fishing an extremely clear mountain lake last year, bluebird skies and my buddy ties on a 3/4 oz double willow spinnerbait, silver blades, 5" trailer, big splash on the cast and slayed the fish. Solving the puzzle keeps us young.
  13. Don't believe I've ever purposely laid a fish on the boat deck. I'm hanging off the side holding line with my left hand and lip with my right. Larger fish and treble hooks get netted. My mom had a tropical fish store in the mid 60's and us kids would reach into the tanks and try to catch them until we were scolded and given an educational course on their slime coats. Yes, learned as a child.
  14. They call spotted bass invasive around here but I'd say " invited " . They fight extremely well and are voracious eaters, easy to catch.
  15. I did and you are correct. They changed their verbage and said " there is no known sustained population of these big cats ". Confusing because if one or two has been seen, who's to say it's not a mating pair.
  16. DNR has made many claims that we have no mountain lions , Yet I've seen them on my brother's game cam and several friends. I spend an enormous amount of time in the mountains and have seen a dozen or so bobcats but have not laid eyes on the big cat.
  17. A lot of soft plastics are pre-scented. The ones that aren't, I give the whole bag a squirt. I don't carry any scent on the boat though.
  18. 57* here is optimal pre spawn water temp. Spinnerbait, jigs and jerkbaits.
  19. We're having an unusually cold winter so I don't expect to catch anything until early April. Hoping this extreme cold will ignite the fish this spring when the water temps climb into the low 50's.
  20. I spend the whole month of November at our hunting cabin each year deer hunting. Really enjoy cutting firewood for myself and the elderly at church. Enjoy modifying chainsaws. Been camping with the wife for over 40 years and we're still going strong in the RV. I'm very close to my 2 daughter's " 26 and 31 " and do all kinds of home improvements for them, yes they keep me busy. I've been very blessed with health and high energy and hit the ground running every morning.
  21. Bird


    I deal with an alarming amount of skunks here but usually on the water. 😁
  22. From one fisherman to another, I greatly appreciate your efforts in preserving the livelihood of this great hobby. Thankyou sir. 😁
  23. Oh boy, Very sorry to hear this. Will be praying for a miracle which isn't out of the realm of possibility.
  24. 1. Sticking to a game plan. 2. Showing the bait monkey the door. Wife and I spent about an hour recently in a BPS.....I ended up buying a shirt. Lol
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