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Everything posted by Bird

  1. First year in MANY that I never threw texas, everything was drop shot on Robo.....it kept working.
  2. I can't say that it's reached the devastation stage as A-Jay but as an older retired fellow.....it consumes pretty much 7 months a year. I preload the boat the night before and always the first one on the water, always. Lol
  3. I've already restocked the ole tackle box, charged the boat battery and hung up the the fishing rods.......I never service them. Lol I cut wood most of the winter and help my brother with the sawmill but will admit......can't wait til spring as nothing I'd rather do then bass fish.
  4. Straight braid for anything moving. Braid to FC leader for anything sitting.
  5. Well I'm an avid Cincinnati Reds fan and a BIG Lebron James fan. Lol I'm hoping for for a Ohio State vs Clemson showdown for Natl title.
  6. Jerkbaits are definitely one of my confidence baits, love throwing em'. I have no problem with the desired darting action with my 6'6 or 7' med Fenwicks whether it be floating, suspending or slow sinking. My owners manual says to run 89 octane in my truck.....runs great on 87. Lol
  7. Would love to join in on the fun but this is the only forum that says " pics to big " lol. Oh well, caught a 4.9 today on drop shot Roboworm " Aaron's magic ". Then later went to my treestand and shot this...........wait, pic to big. Maybe if I got a smaller phone ???. Lol
  8. I've got so many that I really like. Lews speed stick " favorite " Shimano and Diawa both make quality rods that have proven durable. Budget rod would be lightning or Fenwick silver Hawk.
  9. I carry everywhere legally.
  10. Hmmm I'm a minimalist by nature. My tackle box has minimal baits , minimal colors. Lol
  11. Joe, I only use FC as a leader for the reason you mention. As soon as I start trusting a reel "spin" full of Floro.....it cheats on me. Oh, and I fish 3-4 days a week.
  12. Reading various threads on this site, I see where members are striping all reels of line for winter storage. Is that due to line memory, like floro? Just good common practice ? Once a year thing ? I'm a braid guy and re-tie often but never stripped my reels for winter storage.....just curious.
  13. Welcome to a great site. I too was in a similar situation as you " except divorce " and got marred in all the new tackle, techniques and lure specific rods and reels. I'm starting to get it figured out, you will too.
  14. I need to do this. Lol I've got fishing poles leaning everywhere in the garage.
  15. Retirement actually gave me the justification to buy a boat and the time to use it. I'm on the water 3-4 days a week, spring, summer and fall. Have not experienced boredom but rather the opposite......I'm like a little kid and always the first on the water.
  16. Smallmouth are a prominent breed of fish here in the many rivers in VA. The James , new, Potomac and Shenandoah are great for citation class fish. They're much easier to catch than largemouth around here.
  17. I'm 59 yrs old and have put many lures in the water and managed only 1 DD bass........on a 4" Culprit worm in August of 1985 in VA. The more time spent on the water, the more likely you'll catch big Texas bass. If the water is clear, I'd start with finesse.
  18. I did not read through the above posts except the OP. As a small engine repair tech " now retired " never use corn fuel in 2cycl engines that sit for lengthy periods. Ethanol invites moisture and will destroy carburetors with pitting while engine's sit for duration.
  19. Hmmm I was gonna recommend a spinnerbait or plastic worms as top vote getters for beginner.
  20. Bird

    First Deer

    Been deer hunting for well over 40 yrs and nothing bothered me more than crippling one. Glad to hear you and your friend recovered such a majestic animal.
  21. Then there are those that are addicted to electronics spending a portion of the day simply playing. Lol I run into a guy often on my local lake always zoned in on his MANY mounted electronics and seldom see him fishing.....really nice guy though. I released my PB as he approached to chit chat and he spent hours scanning for it. I kept telling him " he ain't gonna bite again ".
  22. Wow ! Would not have guessed this much service on board here......much respect.
  23. Great fish.....next year will bring better luck and more Bass like that one.
  24. I'd start a child in the river with an inline spinner and tiny torpedoe. Or wait for perch beds and use worms and bobbers. If they don't get action they're gonna want the Xbox. Lol
  25. Spent all day fishing today as this will be it til spring......had an absolute blast ,it was 70's here today. I was very surprised to see no production today from Spinnerbaits or jigs. Caught almost everything on Ned and 1 on a RUNCL jerk bait.......biggest today, 3lb LM. I'll either be in a treestand or cutting wood for the next couple of months. Be safe on the waters.
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