I wonder if they make prescription polarised sunglasses, u need glasses for mostly everything so with sunglasses cant see very well. Guess next time ill take some worms and small hooks see if anything bites
I can see there is basically no gradual deepness, it goes from ground on the bank to dark deep, what i mean ripples is yeah like there is fish there, sorry english is not my first language, but like is not shallow at all so cant see the fish just activity
Yeah i was thinking i may need some
Yeah cant there is arrpund 3 feet of grass in weater bentween me and the edge, i didnt expect to be so deep so close to bank, ill try ur suggestion, didnt want to waste time throwing worms then turn out to be carp or something
Today was exploring a new pond and even from the bank is pretty deep, you can see tons of ripples all around the bank but no bites on anything, try worms, weightless, weght , spinners, crank...nada. Since i cant see what type of fish is around , what would be good to try on these ponds?
Makes sense. Im using a cheap mono line from walmart 10lb 700 yards is like $2 since im learning baitcasting guess maybe is a good idea to replace? and the reel is a kastking which i know is not a expensive brand or anything, i do have an abu garcia laying around i never used.
For some reason on my reel if i throw something light like weightless worm it bird nest like hell, i need to use like a jerkbait or heavier to be able to throw it without issues
That is a question i have, so lets say a shade or some mats, do i want to cast to it or way past it and run the lure by the area? Seems unless is like a plastic bait , cranks or jerkbaits they get out of the area quickly by retriving them, idk if i explain myself correctly there
The ones close to me not much cover, u see grass here and there but mostly open water. I usually carry with me a medium heavy fast 7 foot rod and a 7 medium spinning rod
I know 100% of people would say live bait is the best specially for peacock but when cant get it what is a good all around lure to find some bass on sotuh florida canals, specially peacocks since they fight so good, what you guys recommend for a begginer?
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