thanks guys.
askin' away --->
here are a few Q's: (sorry some may seem very lame & my terms way be wack... sorry pls bear w/ me).
1) are there any big money tourneys where anglers fish alone for part of the day? seems i remember old shots of guys like Ricky Clunn fishin' solo in the Classic back in the 80's & 90's , etc... wanted to know if that is still the case b/c i notice on most clips from this years Classic w/ camera guys riding along w/ alot of the anglers. (is this for part of the day?).
2) is there any regular drug testing? i know rules state no alcohol/mind altering substances on the lake, etc... but i was curious if pee testing ever comes in to play?
3) are there any known terms for old school guys & the newer generation of anglers? any negative terms used by either?
4) can cellphones be used out on the lake (during a tourney) IF for personal family reasons? (i.e.: wife calls b/c the baby's choking, etc.).
5) morning of tounaments, is there ever a starter's pistol? do the boats always leave the marina in "flights/heats"? Do they every leave all together @ once?
that's all for now....
more sure to come.
again THANK YOU for all feedback.