A friend of mine and myself were crappie fishing Sharan Harris Lake in NC one summer, some guys waved us down as we were headed back to the dock. A child was on a boat by himself and they were afraid to go see what the problem was and help. Long story short, the child had been out on the lake for 3 days by himself, his father and cousin had drowned as he unfortunately looked on. This was before I had a cell phone so my friend stayed with the child and I went to the ramp to find someone who had a cb radio in their truck, called the rescue squad and the rest was dragging the lake for bodies the next day.
Never be so lazy or afraid to help someone on a lake or anywhere else, life is precious and you never know what has happened. The child ate snacks and drank water and Pepsi from the cooler they had brought for lunch and survived. His father was a school teacher, he jumped in trying to save the other child that was floundering in the water and drowned himself. Life jackets people! Teach your children to swim! And never leave anyone stranded on a boat on a lake. The law of the water is to always help those who need help, it should be the law of the land and it is for me.
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