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Short Fish

Short Fish (4/9)




Community Answers

  1. Your eyes are very important so don't be a cheap scape buy the best you can afford and don't listen to opinions of what people like. You don't ask people which doctor to use when you're sick. Go to the store that sells sunglasses and try on some or go to your ophthalmologist they fit and sell sunglasses. I've bought cheap ones and real good ones, I stop buying cheap ones because I have a sight problem, your eye condition should tell you which glasses you need not the cost.
  2. Squalls on a lake are common especially big lakes. Several years back a friend and I was fishing Falls Lake in Durham, N.C. and a squall came up out of know were. Many bass boats were sunk and some people hurt. I had an old high sided boat my brother gave me, so we made it to shore with the lake patrol watching from the bank to be sure we were ok. It really was scary, easy 3 foot waves pounding the boat and water washing in all the while. Nature is strong and sometimes sneaks up on you, no forecast of any kind that day from the weather people.
  3. Fishing is fun and neither an art or science. It's a passion to some and frustration to others so it's whatever you make it to be for yourself!
  4. Fishing jerk bait is a feel kind of thing and it's not rocket science as some people make it out to be. You need to use a fairly stiff rod, nothing UL but you can easily use a Med too. Practice fishing jerk baits on windy days so you feel the lure working, which should be a cast, wait till ripples stop, jerk, reel, jerk, wait, jerk, reel. Find your own cadence and when you catch a fish keep doing that same movement you made when you caught the fish. I love to fish small jerk baits
  5. EWG= extra wide gap or long shank hooks work best for thick softbait lures. Long shanks, just skin hook them so they are weedless. Tie straight to the hook don't use swivel or anything between the hook and line. Pause just for a second when you feel the bite then reel up and set the hook at the same time. When you've learned how to set the hook faster or your hooked fish improves, you want to set the hook as soon as you feel the bite to prevent gut hooking the fish.
  6. Does Evergreen brand Gizmo lures just come in one size? I can't find anything online but one size 1x1/12 in long you'd think they would have made a small one for panfish.
  7. I've caught several big bass that were old, I wanted to give them something real to eat so the next time I went to the pond I gave all of the fish some fish food!
  8. This did not happen over night, it's be coming for a long time. Whenever you put big money out there for people to win they will use whatever they can to get it. Tournaments should not allow FFS how about a depth finder on your boat and honestly you don't really need that. I've owned several bass boats and hardly ever looked at the screen. FSS teaches you to be a screen watcher and that's all, in my opinion it's for lazy people.
  9. I bought a small cooler then mounted an aquarium pump that runs on batteries to the side, drilled a hole in the top and ran the bubble pipe down to the bottom of the cooler with a stone on the end. Use water from were you buy or catch the minnows, don't use tap water, and get them out with a dip net.
  10. I'm doing nothing wrong, I catch fish on lots of different lures. Never compare yourself to anyone it's ok to not like certain lures, I hate big crank baits, will never fish them. Do we really have to be efficient at every lure that's made?
  11. I don't ever fish for bedding bass, and I don't agree with anyone that thinks bed fishing is fun. Leave those fish alone there will be lots of time to catch them later!
  12. For 150 bucks you can buy a Shimano Stradic and that is a fantastic reel, better than any JM reel and a big step up from the Naci . I have both reels, I always fish the Stradic. There is no comparing Shimano to JM. Look on Digitaka and order one up!
  13. Wind: depends on if you're fishing in a boat or from the bank. Then how big is your boat? Wind is always an added element to fishing. In a pond you should fish the bank in the direction the wind is blowing, you should also fish the calm part of the pond. This goes for lakes too, not really rocket science, wind will blow you around in a little bitty boat and if it can blow your big boat around it might be time to get off the lake.
  14. I am 5' 3" tall and I've never thought I needed a short rod for anything; 6"8, 6"10, or 7' works well for me and I can throw jerk baits on all of them. Actually I think a longer rod works better for jerk bait action, but you did say you're fishing from a kayak so buy yourself a nice Fenwick, they have every length anyone would need.
  15. Top water bass, I'm really good at catching them.
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