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About 1Man

  • Birthday 05/15/1998

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    North Carolina
  • My PB
    Between 9-10 lbs
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    Just a dude who loves to fish when he can.

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  1. @ike8120 Would you say the Actions right on em? I’ve been noticing a lot from looking at rods that a lot of em say they’re a MH But they act like a medium. Or that it says Heavy but it acts like a MH. I don’t know anywhere around me that sells that rod. I’ve always liked to put a rod in m hand before I buy it I reckon I’d just have to return it if it ain’t feel right. (Amazons the only place I’ve seen it so far) @Derek1 I’ll look into it some more, maybe when I’m able I’ll try and make the trip to bass pros and look at some stuff. I sure they’d have every rod there that I’ve been looking at haha. I’ve never been either it’s be fun to actually go in general.
  2. I see your point haha @QUAKEnSHAKE I actually used em for a short time, I just happend to stumble across a lone pack in a little family owned tackleshop near me. Unfortunately I lost most of em before I got to really use em (Was fishing some real thick mess that day). They had points on em like a needle and honestly had forgotten all about em til now haha. Definitely gonna order some soon, I used to use Daiichi until they stopped selling em around where I’m at. I’ve tried Gamakatsu,EagleClaw, and ended up settling on Mustad Hooks. I don’t know anyone that uses em I’ve just had more luck with em than any other hooks.
  3. @drew4779 Oh man that sucks haha. I looked into it earlier and most of the reviews were of it breaking on people. The one I looked at was the carbonlite 2.0 so maybe the new model isn’t as good. Either way kinda puts me off it when it’s broken on like 10+different people. I think with any rod there’s always one or two people who break it due to them mishandling it or something happening to it during shipping. But that much ain’t a good sign, plus you never know how many of them “Positive Reviews” are actually real and not bots. Especially when all the people you know are real got pictures of broke rods in their reviews haha.
  4. https://www.amazon.com/KastKing-Fishing-Cast-Jerk-Bait-6ft-Power-Fast/dp/B07B25X896/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?keywords=kastking%2Bspeed%2Bdemon&qid=1564972183&s=gateway&sprefix=kastking%2Bspeed%2Bdemon&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&th=1 @GeekFisher @dodgeguy @drew4779 @new2BC4bass What do y’all think about this rod? Specifically the “Flipping” and “Carolina Rig” models. I don’t know much about KastKing other than than they make Good middle of the road quality reels. They also have a Flippin rod that’s a 8 Foot fast action in their regular series of these rods, would that be overkill haha? I feel like it would be but maybe for my paticular situation maybe it would actually benefit me. I talked to my father some about the rod he claims that he only ever owned two rods that were 7 foot. He seems 100 percent positive it is a Team Daiwa Series Denny Brauer Flippin Stick, Exact make he’s not sure he bought it back in the 90s. So least y’all know what I’ve been using a bit better vs Just a Heavy Mystery rod haha!
  5. @GeekFisher Haven’t seen anything of an og Phantom reel I’ll try and find it online somewhere. From what I’ve learned any GR 7.x.x and up is best for Jiggin n plastics and higher is better course I could be wrong. The weight of the Phantom X would be a significant improvement over my Black max that thing weighs a pound literally. What do you know about their Torrent reel? I can’t really tell a difference between it and the Phantom X series other than a 10 dollar price difference.
  6. @new2BC4bass I have actually looked into that rod a lot, couldn’t find the weight either haha! Only reason I was skeptical about it was because I couldn’t find that many reviews (bad or good) on it. When I’m able I’ll get to a Dicks and check it out I believe they sell it. @dodgeguy first rod I ever used was a bad pro shops quantum combo haha. I tried looking over on their website and didn’t see too many casting setups, I’ll definitely check that rod out. @drew4779 I’ve seen good stuff on the St. Croix rods. My biggest thing is finding a rod longer than the one I have now which turns out is actually a 7 foot. (Thought it was a 7’3). I’ll see what I can find on it for sure.
  7. @Kidflex @FishingGeekTX @Scott F @dodgeguy I really appreciate all the replies n info guy’s. Not sure if I replied back right stuff started merging n mess haha. I would have replied back sooner but I dislocated my knee recently. Propped up in my bed in a brace typing all these replies. Be a while til I can get back out on the water aha. Do any of y’all know of any decent rods for around 100$ That are longer than the one I have? I’m feeling the idea of a longer MH.
  8. @dodgeguy I plan on getting a new reel when I get a rod that has 18 pound drag 7.6.1 gear ratio It’s called a Piscifun Phantom X I believe. Lower end but I’d rather put more into a good rod than the reel within reason haha (Really good Reviews on it tho). I’ve used a Abu Black Max for last couple years now and it’s a been a good reel. I didn’t know about gear ratios when I got it I bought it cause a friend recommended it to me. Not the best reel for how I fish I’ve come to learn aha.
  9. @Scott F My bad man I use 50 pound power pro braided 90% of the time and I drop down to about 20 pound pp braided with a 10 pound mono leader during the winter or when they get real line shy for whatever reason be it wate clarity or storms or what not.
  10. @Kidflex I never knew that about longer rods that’s interesting.. Unfortunately my wrist will always be the way it is and I don’t even want to think about using a left handed reel hahaha! I’ve never been able to find a good rod over 7” within my price range which is about 100$ @FishingGeekTX I used to think the rod I used was a light rod until I checked out some of the stuff they make these days, so much of a difference. Kind of a big reason I want a new one I felt like it’d be easier on the wrist too. And as for happend I basically had a couple tendons fused together which causes problems with grip strength. I am definitely going to look into that brace for sure, the only ones Ive known are like hard type ones like a shell basically.
  11. Hey y’all first post so sorry if this is a mess. Basically I’m looking into getting a new baitcasting rod here soon and I’m not sure whether to get a MH or. H Rod. I Started out with a little 6”6 MH fishing t-rigged plastics (I know bad rod choice buts it’s I had) and it worked fine for years caught plenty of bass with it. A few years ago I injured my wrist dragging my Jon boat to the water (Irony at its finest haha) and have had trouble being able to put power behind a hookset due to the fact I can’t put all my armstrength into it when I go weak at the rod itself. I ended up switching to a Old 7”3 Heavy rod that my father used to use and by old I mean there’s no visible writing on it neither him or me know what brand or model it is just that it’s a heavy/extraHeavy action haha. I’ve caught plenty of 5+ pound fish with it but the reason why I switched to it was my thinking was that I could somehow make up for my lack of strength in hookset by going with a stiffer longer rod. Should I go back to a medium heavy but maybe a 7”3 or stick with a Heavy? I guess I just wanna know if my logic is sound or if trying to make up for lack of hookset power with a stiffer Rod is pointless. Short version for those who don’t wanna read story time (didn’t realize it was that long haha) Basically I had a wrist injury a few years back and wanted to know if using a heavier action rod would make up for some of my lack of hooksetting power. All I do is texas rig plastic worms and I know MH rods are better for that. Been using a H 7”3 under this logic and wanna know if it makes sense to anyone else.
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