Ladies, I just wanted to throw an invitation out there. If you LOVE bass fishing and enjoy fishing with other ladies that feel the same. Consider fishing the LBAA Tour. It is such a blast! I can not tell you how different from the typical men's or co-ed tournaments.
When Greg signed me up for my first one (against my wishes) I fished it because he had paid for it. I was hooked! We just finished season 3 and oh what a ride it's been. I'm have plenty of ups and downs. Including a lightning strike which stopped my husbands heart and fried a new staff boat but that is another story I have somehow managed to make the top 12 each year and this year was a come from behind winner in the Classic! What an honor and thrill for this nurse from Western Kentucky to fulfill a wish my daughter made me promise on her deathbed 8 yrs ago that I would "Live, Really Live not just be alive"!
Feel free to message me. I'm kinda hard to catch by phone since I work 6 days a week but.....we will set up a time to talk if you want.
Just wanted you ladies to be giving it some thought. It is such a thrill to fish with the likes of Pam Martin-Wells, Emily Shaffer, Kim Bain-Moore and all the others....we really are a family, come join us!
2014 schedule looks awesome.....West Monroe LA (Lake Ouachita) Nashville (Old Hickory) Ky Lake, I'm lookin at it now (Murray KY), then the Wildcard is on Lake Dardanelle at Russellville Arkansas, then the Classic is on Lake Logan Martin in Alabama.