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  1. That's so funny. I went thru the same exact stuff last summer (girlfriend getting sick of it/me, constant web searches, trips out to the sticks to find out no boats in stock...) I'm in Chicago, &, similarly to your situ, dealers actually told me that they mainly stock the big glass rigs because everyone sees them on TV & they want what Mike Iocanelli & co. has (even though most have no business in a 14ft jonboat). That, and deep Vs are big here, since I'm on the big pond (Lake Mich). As far as price, the Alumacraft was actually one of the higher priced I shopped. Never got a price on the Triton (since the dealer was so far), but it was more $ than others (I looked at Fisher, etc.) & I thought more than G3 (I always see good prices in their ads, but, like I said, didn't really consider them at last) but it looks like about the same $ after all. I have a 125 merc 2-stroke on my 185, and I paid not much more than your 23k. Might've considered a 4-stroke or the 150 if I was building one, but that's even more $ & they happened to have this boat/motor combo in stock. Actually, if I was building one, I'd prob get an Evinrude etec (4 strokes are much heavier/bigger & the new efis are close/sometimes better in fuel econ & emmissions.) Had an old Johnson/Evinrude that I loved, & a Merc that I had probs w/ (again w/ the Tracker!) But my new Merc is pretty sweet so far. The 115 should be fine, as mine is probably heavier w/ the thicker guage hull (.102 -- industry standard is .100) plus your 180 is 1/2 a foot shorter. Mine jumps out of water & cruises d**n close to 60mph. Was just kidding about keeping yours outside, but am curious, is the G3 that much narrower? Both brands look almost identical & even heard once that the AC was based on the G3 layout (or vice versa).... I just looked at the G3 website... looks just like mine (storage, layout, step seats,end w/ the gas cap, everything!) Only I don't see a recessed step to the front deck. & it's only 2" less beam! Move that truck out onto the drive & sqquueeeze 'er in! Sweet. Congrats.
  2. I'm sorry to mess you up w/ the last min info--especially after you had your mind made up! I know how confusing (& frustrating) it gets w/ the research, shopping, etc. trying to make the best decision. You'll be happy, however, to know that one of my bud's doesn't have a problem G3 at all, but a Lowe. He was looking at G3s & I was thinking he bought one, but he ended up spending less $ (I think) on a Lowe & has had many probs w/ it. I spoke w/ him earlier today & he corrected me. The other, is a friend-of-a-friend in southern IL who has a G3 (I think it's an HP or Pro 17 or 18'er, around a 2002/3) & told me last summer he had problems with getting/keeping the boat on plane. He's got enough power, but it porpoises badly at all mid/high speeds. He's was messing w/ the motor setup/props/pitches & maybe trim tabs when we spoke. Don't know how it turned out, but that stuck w/ me when I bought mine. Hopefully that's a prob. they fixed w/ the new models? As far as the two piece hull, I know Triton's the same deal & I've heard nothing but good stuff about their tin rigs (although I think they're relatively new to alum... I may be wrong). Alumacraft is 1 piece/all forged which I looked for since, along w/ my river fishing, I'm often banging 1-2 ft swells & 50' yaht wakes whilst bassing in Lake Mich. Reality is, if you check out any boat (from Lund to Tracker), I'm sure you'll find some dissatisfied owners out there. I'm sure whatever you go w/ will run sweet right out of the box. Hope that helps.
  3. The Alumacraft's livewell is one large tank, but is separated w/ a divider, so it's like having two wells. I own the Invader 185 & never had a prob w/ 2man fishing or tourneys. Can't speak for the other boats, but I'm sure they're a similar setup (but definitely not as big... trust me, it's huge... & the air/pump-out & lights are nice, too.) I may be a little biased, but I shopped around a LOT b4 my purchase, & looked at several models, including your other 2 mentions. The Alumacraft's wide beam (92") is actually one of the determining factors in my purchase (last year). It's rock solid for a tin boat--way more so than even the 80-ish beam of my last boat (piece of crap Tracker). But, if it won't fit into your garage... mute point I guess. Personally, I'd keep an Invader uncovered out in the rain/snow b4 I'd by a G3 (or another Tracker!). The Triton alum. did make my short list, and I'm sure it's a quality rig, but the dealer was located too far away, & a 200 mi. drive for pickup/service, etc. was not feasible. As far as the G3, too many fishing buddies/acquaintances w/ serious complaints about 'em. I, too, needed a tin boat for the vast amount of skinny river fishing I do, & after owning a heavy glass boat (mostly bondo when I sold it!) & the leaky, noisy & underpowered Tracker experience, I finally got it right w/ the Alumacraft. FYI: they lead lead the industry w/ customer sat. & consumer agency ratings. & are #2 in N.A. in tin boat sales (#1 is, you guessed it, Tracker!). Hope that helps. Any other questions re: the Invader, let me know.
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