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Everything posted by eightydee

  1. For an anchor, I am currently using a 8 pound woman's weight tied to some cheap rope. It works to SOME extent, however, I do not have much option to tie the end too and it's a 30 foot rope so I have to like wrap it around my leg or sit on it. I saw someone use a retractable dog leash but meh. I wonder how a fish finder would perform on a kayak though. I never had one, my grandpa had on many years ago on his boat on Lake of The Woods but I fish in like maybe 10 feet at max. So I think a fish finder would be pointless unless I do get a front rod holder and try my hand at trolling. Have you ever tried to troll with a kayak? Walleye fish or whatnot?
  2. My thoughts exactly. Here is actually my next order: Rod holder: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001M4HT1G/?coliid=IITPMFDYLZTKK&colid=2B8ENFUPAR9LX&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it Bait Board: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009SUADRI/?coliid=I2O8SQNNJCQ1R3&colid=2B8ENFUPAR9LX&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it Anchor Mount: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001M4HTNY/?coliid=I2JPSWFU1534ID&colid=2B8ENFUPAR9LX&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it Fish Finder: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B017NI17HQ/?coliid=I3DGNSZM53SNEJ&colid=2B8ENFUPAR9LX&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it My kayak does have two built in rod holders or keepers that are located behind. However, It would be nice to paddle or leave it secure so I don't have to squeeze my legs. Or even try walleye fishing.
  3. And I mean, it would be cool to have a custom wrap but than again, this is my first angler kayak and I do want to a rod holder or two. Maybe even a fish finder. So, maybe I'll look more into painting it myself and maybe my next one that is higher quality or something, I'll look into a wrap.
  4. I sent him a message. I got a quote from one company. They wouldn't be able to do the top half. However, the bottom half would be about 700-800 as just a rough estimate. I still don't know what exactly I would like. Mostly, a red/black/white or grey design of some sorts. Maybe a little custom lettering. So I think, Just be easier to paint?
  5. Whoa..... Thank you SO much for these. I emailed two of them for more information. I live in Hibbing, Minnesota so one is located 2 hours south of me as well I have a very good friend in the same town so. But I have been using this kayak for a month straight now and I have been traveling to multiple lake so it's mounted on top of my car. I would like to stand out a little bit. So, wel'll see what they say! Thank you SO much!
  6. Got the Yakima EasyTop along with hook and trunk anchors.
  7. And where do one look for a wrap?
  8. I have a Pelican Sentinel 100x angler: https://www.pelicansport.com/us_en/sentinel-100x-angler-2019 I want to custom paint it as I mean, it's a fairly common kayak around here and I like to stand out and make it mine. What paint would one recommend do to this? Maybe a video or a link to someone else custom painting a kayak?
  9. For frogs, I actually went down to a Pad Crasher JR. Caught 3 bass on the first day. I have it on my quantum spinner reel with a cheap Cabela's rod REALLY light weight rod with a 10 LB braid. I learned to reel in the slack, wait a second after a hit than pull. I mean, hell, if you're in a kayak and most of the time that bass will hit when you least expect it and WOW that jump scare is AWESOME! Right at that moment where you think nothing will hit.
  10. Well, it's arriving July 31st and I think either my step dad ordered those or the local shop has something. I am super excited! There are 15 plus lakes within a 20 min drive and there's spots that I just ache to fish. Cannot wait!
  11. Hehe that's my secret lake. literally half of it is lilly pads. It's actually two lakes combined by a flooded 3 foot deep dich which OH MY, just sit there and you nail them. Old kayak in that part I was telling you about.
  12. Haha! He musta needed his nic fix...
  13. We all get to that point where our sanity is questioned out on the lake. Perhaps due to no luck, peer pressure, or just curiosity. I was curious what are some weird combinations of lures or baits that you used that actually worked! Asking because I am lining up a few "hybrid" type baits that I'm going to test these next few days on different lakes. Did you use any homemade scents? i.e. Garlic powder or coffee Grounds (Dark roast or Light roast )
  14. Wow, so with a Handirack, I wouldn't need to get those J stands? https://www.amazon.com/HandiRack-Inflatable-Universal-Luggage-Carrier/dp/B001F5AHKC But with this one, I would need to get those J stands? https://www.amazon.com/Seah-Hardware-Universal-Roof-Cross-bars/dp/B076KDY47H/ref=pd_lpo_sbs_468_t_0?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=3X9VC6YDHYF0BYFRJ24F I do have a Thule three bike for my trunk and it's amazing! But yea, it is spendy. So, ya'll think the HandiRack would be decent for one 45 pound angler kayak? So a long with the HandiRack what about these anchors? https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0024AVPO4/ref=ox_sc_act_title_4?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1 UPDATE: Instead of double posting, my step father went ahead and purchased a Yakima EasyTop: https://www.rei.com/product/129548/yakima-easytop-car-rack ....Wouldn't that make my car look like a cop car...?
  15. Okay! So, I don't know what exactly happened but I went out yesterday aaannndddd these happened. I reupped my weapons. Got a new rod from Wally World, a Berlkey which I made fro northerns. Yes, it has my 24 inch steel leader on. ANyways, I through on the weedless wacky worm hook because you get to that point where you kind of lose your sanity and try weird things. At first I thought it was a snapper as it just moved slow and I set the hook and still didn't move. I started to reel up and my drag started zinging. The following pictures are largemouths that I caught within an hour in one spot. https://imgur.com/1OI6WQ4 https://imgur.com/HlBplbM https://imgur.com/nLR4c8o https://imgur.com/QAmvKwo
  16. I have nothing on my roof. just flat. I see theres things that strap and go through your windows? than you can mount the kayaks brackets? I am lost haha This is my car. What would I need?
  17. So, I just bought a new fishing kayak and I was curious is anyone has a recommendation of a car rack? I also mountain bike and the difference between a good one and a cheap one, is your bike won't fall off on the freeway. So, what things should I look for? I have a 2009 Mercury Milian, sunroof. The kayak is a Pelican Sentinel 100x: Specifications Length 9 ft 6 in. - 290 cm Width 30 in. - 76 cm Height 13.25 in. - 34 cm Weight 45 lb - 20.5 kg Capacity 275 lb - 125 kg I mean, I know you get what you pay for but I have no knowledge in kayak mounts. I would like a few options: cheap-ish - medium priced - and the Rolls Royce. THank you!
  18. Nice! Yea, I actually picked up 40 lb braid. I bought a new rod for my spinners and put a 24 inch steel leader on er. That's my northern setup. Than I have my AG Pro Max baitcaster combo with a cheap wally world frog and 40 lb braid. Than I have a little Lew's spinner on a cheap cabela's rod with a wacky worm on a 30 pound braid. My kayak has two rod holders but I think I can use a paddle strap.
  19. Yea, that's the BooYah JR. Not going to use it as every other time I use a brand new BY frog, it's gone. Record is, 3 days I had a BY frog... haha I'll trim it. Thank you!
  20. Just bought two cheap WalMart frogs than a BooYah JR.
  21. Hehe yea, I'm used to using a steel leader but I actually tried that with a frog, hits went down and I bet it was only northerns. They are fun to catch but when you wanna go for bass they are a wretched! Hear a lot of swearing and rod slapping the lake after they bite the line. Cross their eyes? Meaning, to reposition the hooks outward or inward? I saw a tip to take a needle nose and reposition the hooks outward and up.
  22. Oh, there's a fish. I shall use that. Yea, one guy said, the time to put his rod down or something like that. I'll try something. I'm currently waiting for my local store to open and going to use birthday cash to buy a new spinning rod blank, braided line, and possibly another BY Frog. I bought ah, forgot the brand, Lunker something? Same price as a BooYahh but it floods so the frog only has the nose sticking out. Like: / ya know. I mean, I bought it since it was the last one and it's a yellow belly with blue back. I got a few hits but one lake, I would do a brown belly frog, then the next, a natural color. THAN, a northern eats it. I actually forgot! I made this little video last month. Perhaps you can see what I do and spot any imperfections.
  23. So, power. I do fish on a lake that has A LOT of pads but I'll try more power. I did notice watching some videos that they do set the hook pretty hard. Always get hits on my secret spot so, I'll try a few things. Thank you!
  24. Oh drag! That brought up another thing. I literally never bother with it. Actually, today I think my drag was to tight. Hooked him on a wacky worm setup, first my drag was to loose so I tightened it and possibly to much as he went under the kayak and snapped my line (THINK I had a 6 pound mono) The AG Pro Max Combo is 7' Medium heavy Also, what about things like bug spray or sun screen? Do those have an affect on the integrity on fishing line such as mono? Like, some oil may jeopardize the strength?
  25. Abu Garcia Pro Max combo. 30 lb braided line,
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