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Everything posted by eightydee

  1. So here in Minnesota, fall is here. Temp around 50 on average. I am curious on fishing for bass in the fall. I heard some of the spots I would go to will not give me anything. Same with the lures. I heard they like to be under cover. Such as a dock as well as ready to ambush smaller fish. Lures? Areas? Any help would be amazing!
  2. So, one day I was listening to someone talk, like normally I do with A.D.D. than the idea popped up into my head of making a little "vehicle" or sub to mount a series of GoPros or FPV cameras (which probably won't work as the signal will be horrible due to water.) I want to do a cheap, little DIY type device, that I can mount a series of GoPros with lighting and a possible power source. Than I would raise and lower it on my kayak. But, every design I "created", I can't achieve a straight line. There is a wobble or drag of some sort. I am no engineer but have others done something like this? Or idea on something regarding mounting underwater GoPros. Here in northern minnesota, we have some mining pits that they fill up and they go hundreds of feet. One that I grew up cliff jumping at, I just threw the GoPro on a leader and threw it out there and God, it was beautiful. It's another world down there. Scary. If this doesn't make sense to you, no worries. I have issues transferring what is in my brain to other people in ways they can understand.
  3. Just two from today. Two different lakes. Both lost my senko.
  4. Ahh, after today. I decided to use O rings. I bought a cheap 30 pack of senkos off Amazon. Could be the quality but today I literally went through 4 with a totally of 7 bass. So, I'll use the O rings. Hahha
  5. These were just a few of a few days. All on the same wacky worm. Than a northern ate my wacky worm that I was going to put on my wall. It's so fun kayak fishing. If you are top water fishing, the bass love to hit RIGHT at that last second and scares ya. Get pulled when they fight. Uffda, nothing like it. Also, props to BassResource and the users who gave me help and words that my grandpa would tell me.
  6. Well, for me, I'm a computer guy so I clean and reinstall operating systems. And I clear my junk everyday.
  7. I did actually turn it off for this site. You can buy books magazines and watch movies that tell you how to fish but, it's the ones that sit on a shore with a stranger and socialize and learn a few things. So, metaphorically, that's like this site. If that makes sense to you.
  8. I actually got introduced to senkos last summer. This old guy who I just kept fishing with gave me a few. He hooked it up for me, I casted it. He told me, wait, let it sink and reel slow. I started to reel and I thought I was snagged in cabage. Then my drag just went. First ever time using a senko, caught the biggest small mouth I've caught. I don't keep them, I get to much walleyes from my grandpa, so I asked the guy if he wanted it since he basically introduced me to a new way of fishing. He had a good supper that night. I used to just hate the thought of fishing with something fake rubbery and boring. I grew up just knowing to fish for northerns so, spinners, husky jerks, etc. But this summer, it's been senkos 90 percent of the time. Frogs the rest. My technuiqe is cast, don't close the reel, take a puff of my ecig, than close the reel than slowly light the rod up. When I feel bumps, I stop than give it a little more stregnth. Most of the time it's cabage but when a fish bites down, I slowly pull back, I see the wake from my line moving than PULL. I land the fish about 90 percent of the time. Still feels pretty awesome when they take off. But also, with senkos (wackys) you get a few more chances. I know, I talk a lot. I do have A.D.D. and sitting in my kayak at my favorite spots, even if I don't land any, I get hard hits and that gets your blood flowing. I'm actually sick. It was sweatshirt weather here in Soda and it was raining and I went out and stayed out for a few hours. Now I'm feeling it. But Man, that was a fun way to get sick! I created another topic regarding scents. Like currently I have my new batch of senkos in a pencil box with a open bag of garlic powder. Removes the human scent and maybe provides more of a attractant, eh?
  9. This is a spin off of my other topic of using a O ring with a senko. Anyways, a few months ago, I had an idea about what could attract fish besides buying those sprays or lotions or whatever. I know some catfishermen make their own bollys and using garlic and coffee grounds. So I though, I would test it out. I took two new senko with a wacky worm hook and put them in a bag with a pinch or two of garlic powder and a little pinch of paprika powder. Figured, why not. I also have a small bag with garlic powder and a few drops of peppermint extract. As I heard bass like peppermint so, we'll see? I do make my own ejuice so I have many many of flavors that I could drop a drop or two on a lure. I mean, we all get to that point where we start using weird things, eh? Has anyone ever tried this?
  10. I was actually going to get one of those tools that came with a few senkos but I have never seen that thing before now do I know anyone who has one or used one. Which brings me to now, the worms are just drenched in some oil. I had to use a needle nose to get the O ring on. I'll give them a try. Maybe I'll try these next: https://www.amazon.com/Real-Fish-Yamamoto-Needed-Rigging/dp/B07NCTH9YY/ref=pd_sbs_200_10?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B07NCTH9YY&pd_rd_r=86f88ceb-7ab7-4e14-8f87-267d6f83029b&pd_rd_w=oTRu0&pd_rd_wg=F1kR5&pf_rd_p=43281256-7633-49c8-b909-7ffd7d8cb21e&pf_rd_r=J6AAQHSBRM6DRJJ2FZCJ&refRID=J6AAQHSBRM6DRJJ2FZCJ
  11. So, I recently had to restock on my favorite color of senkos that I use in a wacky worm setup. I actually go throw a bag every two weeks actually. I just got straight through the worm. I just got a lot from Amazon of 30 for like 8 bucks and it came with O rings. Just curious on what opinions are on them? Obviously, prolongs the worm but from attracting fish wise? Any difference?
  12. Ahhhhh! Oh yea, I forgot about ads on websites. I normally run through a tor or my custom VPN.
  13. Ahh, the camera I took this picture with has ahh, faulty chip so, the fish looks smaller than it really is... It was like 10 pounds...... haha
  14. Hello! Does anyone else have the issue when you arrive to the home page than go to "Fishing Forums" and when you try to log in, the logo which is a clickable image which redirects you to the home page. Yes, I do save my passwords and what not, however, I scrub this clean weekly (I'm a network admin). So when you clear your cookies, it's very hard to get back to log in. I found a little trick. Go to "Pictures - Add Images - select a option from the drop down than a message will show that you will be posting as a quest. OR you can log in. Just how I have been having to do it. Not sure if others have this issue. Or if the site admin is aware. Just a little hiccup.
  15. Well, if I'm directly in the open area where the wind is high, I fish in no deeper than 10 feet. In some cases, it was dragging along the bottom and I pulled up so much cabage. I think I might get a collapsible one. Wal-Mart has them for like 12 bucks I think. 3.5 pound
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