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Hunter Buddy

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Everything posted by Hunter Buddy

  1. JB what it means is that intentionally you can fire a weapon after it’s loaded and fire again load it and ... but WHEN YOU THINK it’s not loaded ... that’s the end?
  2. A-Jay i didn’t forget the law the fact is that I should have bought a whole season License on the spot and then “ was I covered to have fished two weeks ago” Some times posing for random pictures not knowing what and how they can be used is dangerous. Many years back a friend of mine was out shooting and fishing with his buddies and many pictures were taken after the shoot and fishes. On the way back they had an accident in which one of the hunters was accidentally shot, those pictures were used as evidence that so and so was present till today they have not been able to find out who shot him, this made him give up all sporting activity. So be careful who is taking your pictures.
  3. Exactly I mean ignorance is a bliss like the old saying a “Loaded shotgun fires a hundred times, an Empty one fires once”
  4. What Rule or Law applies here: have a season license but did not know it had expired after 30 min of casting a Ranger approached and asked me for the license showed him the license on cell phone and he pointed out the expiry date! He accepted my apology and asked me how long was I fishing I told him about 30 mins ago I was casting he was very nice and I bought another license on the spot and paid by credit card. It was good for the whole week. A day later at the same spot he showed up agin and starts showing me face book pictures of me about two weeks older and said I will have to give you a citation now because you were fishing without a license. I was would now have to go to Court to deposit fines etc. Which I did my question is was he in his rights to hang me a second time? For the same offense?
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