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Everything posted by TriStateBassin106

  1. I went yesterday and caught a nice lil 2lber on a coppertruese TRD, but I agree with @casts_by_fly the fishing definitely shuts down when they treat it, it also doesn't help with the increase fishing pressure this place has recieved, so many teenagers trying to fish for catfish and throwing wacky rigs all around you can have a negative impact aswell.
  2. Yes the fishing has definitely taken a hit at this spot in particular, it doesn't help anymore that they keep treating it every so often. But hopefully down the road it (the fishing) will benefit from it for everyone. I will miss the grass though even though it became a hassle towards the end.
  3. Sign posted today at the waterbody in question, anyone know what type of pesticide that is they wrote? Also took some pics of the shallow end and you can see plenty of now dead grass visible along the shoreline.
  4. To be fair, the fishing at this pond was downright impossible due to the matted grass, if you didn't have a topwater punching rig you were basically out of luck. I wouldn't have a problem if the grass was still around in some spots.
  5. I personally don't wear gloves but I try to wear a SAfishing face shield, I have a few in different colors and they do me just fine, I always keep SPF 50 dunscreen lotion on my hands and neck, I try not to wear short sleeve shorts or shirts and prefer UV and jeans/cargo pants, even in the heat which sounds crazy. In the sun I usually ditch the baseball caps and try to wear straw hats or boonies.
  6. I throw all my tungsten into one little compartment because they all have the weight ID on them, that's smart though having two boxes are they 3700 size?
  7. A 10 acre pond I frequent has recently began treatment in the past month for its excessive weed problems, specifically with strains of Eurasian milfoil and hydrilla, before the treatment the water clarity was great but it probably had something to do with the weeds clearing it up, now that the weeds are being killed off the water clarity has reduced greatly and has taken a greenish tint, with maybe a ft and a half of visibility, I took a picture of it today. What lure colors would you guys use in this green tinted water?, so far I've had mixed results with green and darker colors I used to use when the weeds where still there because the bass could see easier when hiding in the grass but I want other opinions, how do you guys fish green water? Natural colors or more vibrant/darker? Like Black n blue/white/chartreuse etc
  8. Went fishing this evening and stayed out until 830, gorgeous sunset too.
  9. Is the first pic swartswood lake NJ? I recognized the pads hahaha
  10. 1/2oz or heavier tungsten and a strong sharp flipping hook, I would be punching pit bosses or normal sized d bombs in the pads that are really clumped up, make sure you have a heavy rod and some braid to get them out of there, because those pads will break anything else off. Also a weightless fluke/senko in the open holes.
  11. I'm a yankee but I understand the importance of staying cool and hydrated, we had multiple days last year in New Jersey where it was near or over 100 degrees and all you wanted to do was just sit inside with the air on, like a maniac though I was doing wiring in some guys garage at work and the heat was really getting to me that day. When I have to fish in the heat I try to keep it limited to the morning evenings and even night time which is the best IMO, I always keep bottles of gatorade/powerade and a nice cold jug of water. I try to wear UV clothing and long straw hats/boonies and face shields, sunscreen UPF 50 applied every 2 hours. But I do that always when fishing in the sun.
  12. Any time I'm able to fish I'm happy like others have said in here but in terms of catching fish, being able to catch fish consistently and get on a pattern of any kind during an outing is a "good" day for me, even if it's a finesse pattern, I have caught nice sized fish on stuff like neds and wacky/neko rigs. If I'm catching a fish here and there or they're all dinks (below or near 1lbs) I consider that a not so great day. And epic day for me is when I go through multiple bags of soft plastics hahaha Couldn't have said it better.
  13. It's on a private lake in West Milford NJ. The Property owners association has it every year and I usually go out with someone from the local club. I'm going there saturday to practice again, after that I have another tournament in the same area but I'm co angling on a friend's boat, Greenwood lake NY.
  14. Man I just couldn't figure the bigger fish out today, I have a tournament next sunday on my home lake and I figured I'd get out and do some scouting and practice for it, my home lake is a man made typical homeowner impoundment with tons of docks and grassy coves but it seems like the big fish were just nowhere to be found. I probably caught like 12 or 13 fish below a lb though which was pretty weird, have any of you guys had those type of days where only the little ones are consistently biting? I caught most of them on T rigged plastics and ned rigs, we had some nasty thunderstorms roll in Saturday evening and I think it shut down the bite for sunday (yesterday now)
  15. I was in passiac county NJ yesterday and it looked like it was Mars. 2PM in the afternoon and the streetlights were on, spooky stuff man. I went fishing this afternoon and got skunked. I don't know if the smoke had something to do with it but the fishing has been tough for the last week. I think it has something to do with that stubborn low pressure system that won't move out of here, (the one bringing the smoke down) I can't remember the last time it was above 80 degrees but I think it was last week sometime.
  16. Zman nedlockZ is also a good alternative I picked a few up last week and like them already. Stay away from those weedless pro shroomz they aren't that good.
  17. Near the tail or hook them through the mouth, I never fished with bluegill before but growing up that's how I rigged shiners, sure it would be the same and octopus hooks work the best.
  18. I don't use casting gear to skip but will skip senkos under docks and pontoon boats on finesse tackle, like other posters have also said my advice is to always make sure you have good drag and set the hook and start reeling, most of the time for me it seems like the initial hookset will "bring the fish out" from the dock and in open water. I have the same approach when punching heavy grass, that fish needs to get back to me as quick as possible so it can't dig in the weeds.
  19. I also gut hooked a 14inch fish this past weekend on a texas rigged zoom u tail, I cut the line and took the hook out from the gill method but the fish then started to bleed badly, I even got some blood on my sneakers which sucked, immediately threw the fish back but it was probably gonna die, it really is a horrible feeling but I've come to desensitize myself to it. It's simply part of the game at this point and it sucks. I know the feeling man.. This happens to me sometimes when I'm fishing a texas rigged creature bait like a pitboss or rage menace, sometimes I'll make a pitch at a piece of cover and won't get any bites on the initial fall but as I reel it back to the boat I'll feel a hard thump and it's a bass that ambushed it like a moving bait.
  20. I'm right next door to you in NJ. 100% agree.
  21. I might have worded that wrong, I have a problem with people who get into fishing and don't respect the environment around them and keep undersized fish and litter. Those are the people who were never supposed to get into our sport.
  22. In my opinion bass fishing but fishing overall COVID-19 was one of the worst things to ever happen to the sport, way too many people who were never supposed to get into fishing got into it and began crowding spots and leaving trash behind, two ponds I used frequent are suffering from this COVID boom of anglers and its definitely effecting the catch rates and overall quality of fishing, one of the ponds that usually produced good numbers have been greatly reduced and you're lucky if you catch 2 during an outing. Even if you're trying different things from everybody else. Also apps on social media don't help like fishbrain instagram and facebook because people like to spot burn. For me though bass catching this year has been surprisingly pretty good. I had a pretty good pre-spawn, spawn and now a good post spawn, it will probably slow down once the heat comes out but it's been good so far.
  23. I figured out the problem, the transducer side with the little white dot was facing the wrong way, thank you so much!
  24. So I have my echomap uhd 7inch transducer mounted on the left side of my little 10ft bass raider and when in side view mode, the returns from the right side appear on the left side of the screen and right side returns appear on the left. Is this the normal setting or something that can be fixed? I tried to change this in side view settings but the only thing it has are if I want only the left or right side to appear on the screen but that's not my problem, the returns are on the wrong side.
  25. A long pickerel I caught today, on a ned rig with light line, this guy should've broke me off.
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