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Everything posted by TriStateBassin106

  1. I live in North NJ but I fish religiously in The surrounding counties and even go as far as Lake Wallenpaupack and some private lakes in the NY State area around Warwick. I'm in a Bass Group on Facebook for our area and many anglers in NJ and NY basically can't go anywhere to fish or will have to risk geting cited. It's so bad here, it's literally big brother cracking down on everything. You're a prisoner in your own home. This is madness.
  2. It's pretty simple, some guys don't have to deal with pressured waters. They're so used to running around on huge lakes with $100k boats and electronics that they literally can get right on top of fish and depending on conditions like water temp and right presentation. (They're always gonna catch fish) I'm forced to fish public park ponds that are heavily pressured, it's kinda funny how so many anglers challenge themselves to catch a certain number of fish meanwhile I'm literally trying to just catch one bass hahahaha.
  3. If I leave my house for non essential reasons I could get cited, my county is taking this stuff very seriously, I haven't been able to fish for the past 3 weeks.
  4. Amen brother. I was pulling in bass last December in 40 degree water temps. Just using the NED rig and finesse grubs. Tried again in Jan and Feb before this thing started spreading around and got skunked.
  5. My season started in Early March but this thing going around the country right now has derailed everything I had planned for the Spring. I don't expect to catch anything until at least early May, the only waters I have been able to fish are pressured ponds which my county has now closed due to the outbreak.
  6. It's April 2nd and I haven't been able to land any fish since Early December. Am I the only one on here who hasn't caught their first 2020 bass? It's been tough to fish so far due to these cold fronts and the local park ponds around My area (NY) have been closing due to COVID-19. If I'm lucky maybe late April I can finally land a fish. What about you guys? Anyone else in the same situation as me?
  7. In my life time so far I'd say around 150, I caught 48 this oast season which is pretty good considering I fish pressured waters. In NJ here we have all our county parks closed in my county so my next outing is TBD at this point but this I would like to catch at least 30 by June. Maybe 70 by the end of the year if I play my cards right.
  8. Anyone else really excited for the boating pressure at public lakes to be at an all time low? Please continue to stock up on toilet paper and stay home this summer. I'll finally break my PB! Hahahahaha
  9. How do we fish these conditions? I really want the water to get back up in the 50s again, at least there's a chance to get some action before April hits He was using chopped up chicken to catch then on the bottom. Used an egg weight and just let it sat there for like 20 minutes hahaha
  10. Finally got some open water today in NY, went to my local pond with my friend and his son and managed to get at least 4 hours in of fishing, the water temperature was at a solid 43 degrees and the air temp was 68F, started out by throwing around a Husky Jerk 8 in Clown at the side of the pond where the wind was blowing into. After an hour I switched over to a Finesse TRD skirted in California Craw, Skunked with a capital S. Anyone else find it extremely difficult to fish these types of days? My friend caught some shiners though hahahahaha
  11. Yes! The site looks great!! Can't wait to order some new Arkie Jigs from you guys soon! Keep it up
  12. I use the War Eagle Finesse Spinnerbait in Sun Perch and Blue Herring in almost any body of water I fish, it works greats on Baitcasters and has a Indiana Blade which is a good combination of Willow and Colorado. They're on Tackle Warehouse.
  13. Haledon Reservoir in Franklin Lakes hold pickerel. I fish there quite often. I would suggest fishing some of the waterbodies in the West Milford Area like Green Turtle Pond and Monskville Reservoir.
  14. Hey Bassresource, Recently I made a post about what Kayak I should get but after conversations with some helpful anglers on here I decided to opt out and get the new Pelican Bass Raider 10E they have at Cabelas. A friend of mine recently bought one this past season and highly recommended it to me. My only question about this boat is what would a good trolling motor and battery would you guy recommend? I'm a big guy at 6'0 and 300 so I need something that can get me around and not be sluggish in the wind, my friend had a 55lb trust and it zooms him around the small lakes we fish, should I follow or get something else that has more power? My price range for a trolling motor is no higher than 220$. I look foward to the responses.
  15. So far all my hardbaits are neatly stored in Plano 3600s, if I get excessive they'll be thrown into a huge TW box I store my soft plastics in for now, I eventually plan on getting a pegboard for my room to store my baits (I live in an apartment so there's no garage lol) I can relate to this, raided my wallmart clearance recently and got a bunch of Cotton cordell lipless cranks for 2 bucks. They're in a box right now with my soft plastics. My crankbait/jerkbait box is just too full rn for them lol
  16. Yes, these small lakes are only accessible by walking a trail but there's a parking lot about 100 feet from one of the lakes I plan on fishing so it's not that big of a walk.
  17. Hello Bassresource, The title really says it all, I'm 6'1 and 305 lbs, I plan on attempting to get a kayak that can sustain my weight for some lakes in the backwoods I would like to take it to during the summer that I've caught bass from, I was told of Kayaks like the Hobie series but I simply can't afford that at the moment. any fellow big guys/anglers recommend a kayak for me? My Price range is 700$ - 900$. I look forward to the responses!
  18. Did the internet teach me how to fish for bass? No. Did the internet help me fish for bass correctly? Yes. I'm gonna be completely honest. If it wasn't for the following youtube channels/websites I would still be throwing a basic senko everytime I go fishing. -Bassmaster.com -***.com -Bassresource.com -Realistic Fishing -Tactical Bassin -NDyakangler -Tackle Junky -Lakeforkguy If it wasn't for these people/communities I would've never learned so much about this great passion of mine, all thanks to the wonders of the internet.
  19. Oh man A-jay I already miss watching your videos on Lake Menderchuck. I know the feeling of not having Open Water for long periods of time, here in NY/NJ we get this really weird period of cold weather after January in the upper 30s/40s but it causes very thin ice on our ponds and lakes, it'll probably be like this until mid March, even in April we can still get temperatures in the low 40s and it honestly makes the fishing miserable, the bass will all of a sudden get into pre spawn mode if there's 55+ weather for a day or two and then the second it hits below 50 they go right back to winter mode. I just want those mid summer mornings on the lake back hahahahahaha
  20. How so? Bad experiences? Is it even worth using on Finesse setups though? I currently have 10lb power pro moss colored for that setup//
  21. Hey Bassresource! This past season I had 17lb straight flurocarbon on my designated texas rig and jig combo, a 7'3 Lews Laser paired with a Pfluger President XT, I had much success with this combo this past summer and fall but I had braid on this same setup earlier in the spring of 2019, it was 20lb power pro and I disliked it heavily. I was loosing every lure I casted with it. The braid digging into itself was too much to handle and I switched back to Flourocarbon, but I'm willing to give braid a second chance, I keep hearing stories of the success of anglers using this type of line for well...texas rigs and jigs. The sensitivity, the extra casting distance etc. If I was to get back into using braid on baitcasters what would be a good lb to start off with? Maybe also some advice on what leader line to use again that can handle baits being dragged and hopped along the bottom? Thanks BR and I look foward to the responses! Fish on.
  22. 1. Getting a backlash while teaching someone how to use a baitcaster. 2. Dropping your rods by accident while walking. 3. Fishing a public park pond and accidentally hitting some innocent kid watching you fish with your jig while trying to cast. (True story) 4. Slipping on Mud near the bank. 5. Hooking a snapping turtle and having 5+ people surround you watching.
  23. As a former DSG Employee here in NY what this company is doing is a classic "shoot yourself in the foot situation" as I like to call it, I worked part time in Apparel from 2018 to early 2019 and they were already getting rid of the hunting area. They also moved the fishing area to the back part of the store. I recently went in there to renew my fishing license and the fishing isle was completely gone. I personally don't see DSG lasting long into the new decade, as some other users said in this thread they did bad business when they took a political stance on the sales of AR-15s. I really hope we continue to see the rise of Academy & Tackle Warehouse this decade in the fishing market. They know what we as anglers want and always deliver it.
  24. Persistence, and learning how to adapt to the ever changing situations I'll encounter on the water.
  25. Don't care what size it is, the fact that I have a bass on the end of my line and that feeling of sensation is enough to keep me motivated and continue fishing. The fight is the best part of fishing for me.
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