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Everything posted by TriStateBassin106

  1. Sale must've ended then, saw it on there for around 549 I think I don't know when but there definitely was one.
  2. Called Cabelas a week ago and I was told the same thing, they currently have it listed as 500$ I think on their website, an absolute steal for anyone who's interested about getting one. Hopefully we both get ours soon. Extremely excited!
  3. Hey BR, I'm currently deciding on which drop shot rod to get based on my price range and I have narrowed it down to two choices, the Dobyns Colt Series or the Ugly Stik Carbon Spinning rod. I was recommended these two by a friend and I'm still undecided but I really like the look of the Ugly Stik, these series of rods were released last year at ICAST and I was wondering if anyone here has any experience with the new series. How is the sensitivity on both these rods? Would they work with what i'm trying to achieve?
  4. Having this problem aswell, many bluegill and bass are now spawning at my local pond, this period of fishing is probably one of the hardest of the year because the fish are doing so many different things, many fish are on beds not interested in what you throw, also female fish are cruising around not really interested in biting either. Edit: went out today and got skunked based on what I just said, not even the bedfish wanted anything to do with my baits.
  5. First of all welcome to the forums!! Secondly, as mentioned above, keeping Bass is frowned upon by many anglers, personally I don't have an opinion on it as I'm a solid catch and release angler, but I understand how other people feel about this subject.
  6. Amen man, one of my local spots has been getting hammered lately by weekend anglers, better to go at dawn or dusk.
  7. 1. Cat-fishermen, especially the weekend ones, the amount of trash they leave behind is unacceptable. I almost tripped and fell on one of my outings right into a left behind pack of hotdogs and weights in a plastic bag. 2. Anglers bringing stupid stuff to the lake, I've seen guys bring saltwater rods 9 feet tall, crab traps and casting nets, it's stupidity at it's finest. 3. Getting cut off by boat anglers. I fish one lake that allows Kayaking and small jon boats to fish the lake alongside guys like me who only have a small portion of bank to work with. I've had this happen multiple times where me and one of my buddies I go fishing with are working the bank at this specific spot, then some guy in a kayak who has the whole lake to fish decides "Hey, I'm gonna be a jerk and fish the only part of the lake the bank anglers can fish." Like why? You're literally fishing the only part of the lake that's pressured??? They have the whole lake!!
  8. Green Pumpkin is the best color for Baitfish imitation. It can get away with replicating almost anything, another good choice would be Green Pumpkin and white mixed, you also have your Black/Grey mix that are good at replicating Shad/Shiners.
  9. Hey BR, I Honestly should've made this when I first joined but I guess it's never too late lol, I've been following BR on youtube since 2015. I finally decided to make an account on here last summer and I've learned so much from you guys ever since. I fish the Tri-State New Jersey-Pennslyvania & NY Area. I've been fishing since 2005 and have won 6 local tournaments since 2009. (in my 20s now) and last year I decided to really get invested into Bass fishing. Besides Bass Fishing some of my other hobbies include Hunting, Archery and collecting vintage fishing lures. This forum really is heaven on earth for Bass Fishing! Everyone is so helpful and respectful! Great to be here! Fish on!! Pic below are my trophies I've won over the past decade!
  10. Hmmm Lived in Jersey most of my life. 201 area code to be specific. Still do but live right near the NJ/NY border.
  11. Bream panfish or sunnies... what ever you want to call them, I always preferred bream because I grew up watching a lot of southern Fishing shows on the outdoor channels, the term kinda got stuck in my head. even if all the weekend anglers throw them?
  12. Went to a couple spots in Sussex and Bergen County the past two weeks, the weird cold fronts we've been having really turned everything off, some bass are finally on beds but I only saw a courting pair once last Saturday, out of all my outings since the beginning of May I've only managed to catch 3 fish (all on beds.) water temps are below 55 degrees. anyone else having luck so far in Jersey?
  13. I've been grinding lately at this one park pond that holds bass. It lately has recieved heavy fishing pressure. I tried every slow moving bait I could think of but I'm still ending up with the skunk. Only managed to catch 2 bed fish there in the past week. Any tips? Water temps are constantly changing from 50 to 53.
  14. Update: ordered mine from Cabelas, it's on backorder but I spoke to a customer service rep who said they'll get the restock date next week. hopefully we won't have to wait long!
  15. Does anyone know how delivery of the bass raider from cabelas work? Do they have to arrange a day to deliver at your convenience? Where did you order the boat from?
  16. We officially have beds here in NJ, water temp is 56 degrees when I was reeling that bass in it swam into a bed where two bass were courting
  17. UPDATE: First bass of 2020 was caught tonight at my local pond, smoked a senko right in front of me and two other bass that were on a bed.
  18. Siebert How many weights come in the rocket pack?
  19. Do you know anywhere I can get them in 3/16 and 1/8? I checked sieberts and they don't have tungsten in that size
  20. how is the sensitivity of the weights?
  21. Welcome to Bassresource for starters, I'm in the same boat with you I got double skunked on the past two outings but managed to lose 2 this past Sunday. A bedding female picked up my beaver but ripped the claws off, do you fish pressured bodies of water? what's the water clarity and temperature been like? My best advice since I'm dealing with the same issue right now is slow down and go finesse. Here in NJ/NY water temp is at a solid 50 and at my pond here the bass are starting to cruise a bit and find beds. Have the fish been doing that down there? since MD is a bit below I would imagine it would be slightly warmer in water temp?
  22. Hey BR, Very interested in picking up some tungsten sinkers to replace my aging led weights I have left over from last year. can somebody recommend brands for me? something that isn't outrageously overpriced but something that has quality and sensitivity to it, I also don't fish very deep bodies of water so what would be a good weight size I could get away with for pitching and flipping with a baitcaster? 1/4th maybe? look forward to the responses!
  23. That's awesome man! what did you use to catch those 7 bass at C? jerkbait?
  24. Have you caught anymore since then? Nice bass man
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